Wow, it seems like it’s been forever since I’ve posted anything new. I’m still here! I’ve been laying low, working from home and gaining weight, along with a lot of other people, I’m sure. I decided I’d write a quick note to let folks know that I’m doing alright. The past several months have flown right by. Wow, what a year it’s been. I’ve had my share of sadness and challenges, that’s for sure. It’s been rough having to deal with the death of my dear friend Richard Elias, and the passing of two of my relatives, my cousin Olivia and my uncle Art, but life goes on, and I’m determined to stay healthy and strong, and to continue working and contributing to the betterment of our messed up world, in whatever way I can.
I have been fortunate to have been able to work from home since mid-March, and will likely continue doing so through the end of the year. I am currently managing virtual reference services for Special Collections at the UofA Libraries, and am also finding new ways to stay involved with the library profession. I recently joined the REFORMA (the National Association for the Promotion of Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking) education committee, after having been absent from the organization for over five years, and recently got elected to the executive board of the Library Faculty Assembly at work. I’m also running for a seat on the Council of the American Library Association. Elections for that position will be held in the Spring. In addition, I’m gathering information for an article I hope to have published. It’ll be about “diversity” and my experience working to promote it throughout my career. More specifically, it will outline and discuss the efforts undertaken at the University of Arizona Libraries in this area from approximately 1992 to 2005. I have a lot of documentation that I’ve kept from when I worked as Assistant to the Dean for Staff Development, Recruitment and Diversity. I think it’s important that the history of the Library’s commitment to diversity is shared with those who don’t know what was done in the past.
In my free time I continue to work on my own personal archives. I’ve been sorting and organizing my personal photos, letters and memorabilia for a while now, and will at some point start sharing a lot of that here on my blog. I really enjoy going back and trying to remember things from my childhood and youth. I’ve been taking lots of notes and writing journal entries with information that one day will hopefully all come together in some sort of book or online publication. Who knows.
I have to admit, I do sometimes miss hosting my radio show, The Chicano Connection. I will continue to post audio recordings of some of my old shows here so folks have an idea of what I did while on the air at KXCI. I recently poured through my old KXCI files and found my very first playlists from back in 1983. My first show was a Latin show that aired on December 8, 1983, and the very first song I ever played was “Respect” by Aretha Franklin. I was in the very first d.j. class at the station. It cost me over $450 to take the class, but it was well worth it. I’ll be updating my KXCI page soon with other tidbits of information about my early days on the air at KXCI. Altogether, I was affiliated with the station for approximately 20 years (1983-1986 and 2013-2020). That’s a heck of a lot of volunteer time! And it was all voluntary. Never got paid a penny. So much for the old adage, “do what you love, the money will follow”….He he he.
I’m also slowly starting to listen to more music, and have even purchased a few cds, including Neil Young’s album “Homegrown” and a 1970 live recording by Laura Nyro titled “The Nights Before Christmas”. I’ve also discovered John Paul White and have recently listened to some music by Katey Sagal, who I think is just fabulous. It took me a while to even want to listen to music after having stopped my show. I don’t know why. I just wanted to be away from it for a while. It feels good to get back into it.
Well, I suppose I’ve rambled on enough. I’m happy that everyone in my immediate family is doing alright and that I still have a job! I’m also happy that my friends Adelita Grijalva and Andres Cano won their primary elections. I knew they would. Way to go! I’ll do another update soon.

In closing, I’d like to share a couple of music video performances that I’ve recently discovered, and have enjoyed listening to and watching…