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2015 UA Alumni Association 50 Year reunion
In early 2015, I was asked to work with representatives of the UA Alumni Association to create a small exhibit of materials from the UA Class of 1965. The exhibit cubes shown below are housed on the 1st floor of Old Main. The exhibit remained in place for several years.
I did a lot of research for this particular exhibit, and could not possibly fit everthing I wanted to into three cases. I still have all the material I gathered and will be adding more to this blog post, as there is no limit here. I can add as much stuff as I want, so I will! What I have gathered together so far does not provide much context for what happened in 1965, so I’ll be working to add more factual information and additional photos etc. Stay tuned. It may take me a while, but I’ll get there soon enough!

Stay tuned. More to come…