Feb. 12: “50 Years: Tucson’s Native American Community” will be held 4-6 p.m. A discussion about Arizona, the Supreme Court and legal cases affecting and involving tribal members law cases, Arizona during the civil rights era with Robert A. Williams, Jr., the E. Thomas Sullivan Professor of Law and American Indian Studies at the UA James E. Rogers College of Law. https://www.youtube.com/embed/G593uE4SQdE?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent
Category Archives: Uncategorized
50 Years: Tucson’s LBGTQ Community / Program, March 7, 2013
March 7: “50 Years: Tucson’s LGBTQ Community” will be held 7-9 p.m. A discussion with Adela Licona, an associate professor in the UA’s English department; Stephen Russell, who directs the Frances McClelland Institute; and Jamie Lee, a doctoral student in the UA School of Information Resources and Library Science.
50 Years: Tucson’s Mexican American Community / Program, April 29, 2013
April 29: “50 Years: Tucson’s Mexican American Community” is a discussion with Lupe Castillo, a faculty member at Pima Community College, and Margo Cowan, a Pima County public defender.
Click here to listen to the audio of this program.
Filming Pulp Poetry: Ray Bradbury and “It Came From Outer Space”, with Bradley Schauer / Program, April 8, 2014.
From the UA News Service:
“In this is the final lecture accompanying Special Collections’ “Mars Madness” exhibition, Bradley Schauer, assistant professor in the UA School of Theatre, Film and Television, explores “Filming Pulp Poetry: Ray Bradbury and It Came From Outer Space.”
In 1953, Universal Studios – known for its horror films – released its first science fiction feature of the ’50s, “It Came From Outer Space,” written by prominent science fiction writer Ray Bradbury. Based in part on Bradbury’s childhood memories of living in Tucson, “It Came From Outer Space” is a haunting and beautiful film that challenges easy assumptions about ’50s science fiction films being “schlocky” or campy.
Schauer will detail the production history of the film, discussing how Bradbury and the filmmakers were able to create an eerie and poetic film while still giving science fiction fans the scares and thrills they expected from the genre.”
A selection of additional film posters…