My four eldest brothers and sisters attended Robison Elementary School from 1952 to 1960. They then went on to attend Mansfeld Jr. High and Tucson High. I also attended kindergarten at St. Ambrose for one semester. Here are some of our class photos, most of them from Robison. I’ve also included some sports team and other group photos in which my siblings and I appear. My two older brothers were heavily involved in high school sports, and later became little league coaches, and my brother Fred and I played on different teams in the late 60s. These are mostly photos of kids who grew up between Plumer and Country Club from Broadway south to the railroad tracks. If you click on the picture, you’ll see a larger version of it. Click the back arrow to return to the post.
1952-1953 school year. My sister Irene’s 3rd grade class, Robison Elementary School.
1953-1954 school year. My sister Becky’s first grade class. The teacher was Mrs. Goldbaum.
1955-1956 school year. My brother Rudy’s first grade class. He had Mrs. Goldbaum too.
1955-1956 school year. Robison Elementary. I am not sure who was in this class.
1955-1956 school year at Robison Elementary. My sister Irene’s sixth grade class.
1957-1958 Mansfeld Jr. High Student Council photo. My sister Irene was Student Council secretary.
My brother Rudy’s 4th grade class. Mrs. Miller was later Mrs. Mow.
My sister Becky’s fifth grade class.
My brother Rudy’s fifth grade class.
1960-1961 Freshman Basketball team. Tucson High School. My brother Charles is in this photo.
1960-61 Tucson High School Freshman Baseball Team. My brother Charles Diaz, is in the top row second from left.
1961-62 Junior Varsity Basketball team, Tucson High School. My brother Charles is in this photo.
1962-1963 Tucson High School Varsity Baseball team. Eddie Leon is included here as are my brother Charles and his good friend Jesus “Chuy” Pesqueira.
1963. My brother Charles is right in the middle of the top row.
1963-1964 Tucson High School Freshman Baseball Team. My brother Rudy is in the middle row, second from last.
1963-1964. Members of the Tucson High Choraleers. My brother Rudy is the second from the left in the bottom row. 1963-1964 Tucson High School Varsity Baseball Team. My brother Charles is in the top row, third from the left.
1964-1965 Junior Varsity Football team. Tucson High School. My brother Rudy is in this photo.
1964-1965 Choraleers, Tucson High School. My brother Rudy is in this photo. It was his sophomore year.
My kindergarten class. I was there for just one semester, Fall ’64.
1965-1966 Varsity Baseball team, Tucson High School. Rudy in in the top row third from the last.
1965-1966 Choraleers, Tucson High School. Rudy is in the top row, third from the left. Summer, 1966.My brother Fred’s little league team. 1966-67 Varsity Baseball Team. Tucson High School. My brother Rudy is in this photo. 1968-1969. My 4th grade class.
1968, Summer. My brothers Rudy and Freddie are in this photo from the late 60s. I think the team was “Tucson Merchants Association”. Not sure.
1969, Summer. Rudy’s little league team. Freddie my other brother is also in this photo as are my buddies Ernie Carrillo, Roman Jaurigue and Rick Fass.
1969-1970. My fifth grade class. My teacher was Mrs. Wagner, but she isn’t in the photo. A substitute teacher is. 1970-1971. My sixth grade class. 1970-1971 Freshman Baseball team, Tucson High School. My brother Freddie is in this photo. 1970 El Rancho Center little league team. I was on this team, but not in the photo. 1971 El Rancho Center little league team. My brother Charles and I are in this photo.