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Every chapter in My Life Story includes information about me, my work, my family and my friends.It also includes information about events that took place locally and nationally, etc. that I thought important enough to include. You’ll also find that I’ve included films, musicians and recordings/videos, in addition to books that were released in a given year.
While I have included many personal photos, most of the graphic content included below is borrowed from the Internet. I do not claim to own this material. I am just adding it for educational purposes. If the owners of any of the content in the “My Life Story” series want their stuff removed, I am happy to oblige. My email address is Thanks!
SUMMER, 1973.
I never should have gone to Salpointe. My parents could not afford it. They thought Tucson High was a perfectly good school. After all, my five older brothers and sisters all went there and they did just fine. We were a proud THS Badger family, but I insisted that Salpointe was where I wanted to go. I argued that it was a better school and because I wanted to go to college eventually, I would get a better education there. Nobody knew the real reason why I insisted on Salpointe. In all honesty, I was in love (obsessed) with a boy from junior high who was going there, and I wanted to follow him. Nothing would stand in my way.
I promised my parents I would work my way through school and pay most of the tuition myself, and also noted that my santito cousins, the Mendozas and Basurtos were going there too. My mom and dad reluctantly said okay, but they had no idea what the tuition was going to be. Otherwise, they would have definitely said no. We barely made the tuition payments, and were given a break more often than not. I was a charity case, I suppose. Maybe the administration let me stay on because I did well academically. I really don’t know.
My home life at this time continued to be quite a challenge. My mom was sick a lot and in and out of the hospital for months at a time. Around the same time, my sister Irene got a divorce, and my sister Becky moved to New Jersey. Partying was a big thing in the seventies and most of the kids, in my neighborhood, anyway, were getting high or drinking and doing other drugs. While I was in school, I stayed away from all of that, thank goodness, but every now and then I’d hook up with some of my travieso cousins or friends and we’d smoke or drink, especially during the summer months. I have to say, compared to some of the kids I knew, I was a saint!
Published in 1973, this all-in-one encyclopedia was titled “Illustrated Home Reference: A Quick and Useful Guide for Home and School Use”. It also included an atlas and a biographical dictionary. It was a great reference book.
One day a traveling salesman came to our house selling books. Without my parents’ permission, I agreed to purchase this all-in-one encyclopedia, as it was a great deal, or so I thought. I didn’t have to pay for it immediately, but there was a catch– I would also have to buy a Spanish-English dictionary that came as part of the package, but it hadn’t been published quite yet. When it did get published, the guy came to our house a second time to deliver the dictionary and to collect the money I owed. My father was home at the time, and I told him what I had done, and asked him to pay for the books. He got very angry at both me and the salesman. He chased the poor guy away and slammed the front door and then he yelled at me and told me to never do something like that again. I guess the salesman was too scared to come back, as my dad was not one to be messed with, and as a result I kept the encyclopedia without paying for it. I was very hurt at my dad, but realized later that I should have first asked for permission to buy the books. My parents didn’t have a lot of money, and things like this were considered frivolous.
The boy I had the crush on ended up “unfriending” me shortly after school started in the Fall of 1973. Just my luck. He also switched schools and ended up at Rincon or Catalina. I don’t even know. So there I was, with only my santito cousins to hang out with. It took a while to get to know people and make new friends. I had to give up playing the cello too, because the school did not have an orchestra program. I didn’t want to give up music altogether, however, so I took up the saxophone and joined the band. That’s where I made my first friends.
The main entrance to Salpointe. The school would later change its name to Salpointe Catholic High School.
This is what the Salpointe campus looked like in the mid 60s. It would later expand to include several other buildings.
My Freshman year portrait, 1973.
After I switched from the public schools to Salpointe, I took up the saxophone. I stopped playing in an orchestra, although I rented a cello for a while my freshman year. I eventually gave it up, however. My musical instruments all had names: Max the Sax, Morgan the Organ, and Chichi the Cello.
Band practice. I’m on the far right side of the photo, playing the saxophone. I played both the tenor sax and the alto sax, depending on what was available.
Mr. James Lee was our band teacher. He was a great guy. His father was Jack Lee, the composer of the UA fight song, Bear Down, Arizona and longtime director of the University of Arizona marching band.
The marching band played at all of Salpointe’s football games. I’m on the far left above the guy with the blonde hair. I hated football.
Our band teacher was cool. We played some great stuff, including the Beatles’ song O-Bla-Di-O-Bla-Da and the one that follows, Kodachrome by Paul Simon. We had a lot of fun.
American Grafitti was released on August 1, 1973. Oldies But Goodies became all the rage, yet again.
This was a beautiful film. It was released on October 19, 1973. I think Robert Redford is the handsomest actor Hollywood has ever brought us.
I’m not a big fan of Ms. Streisand, but there are two songs in particular that I really love. This one is my favorite. The other one, released a few years later, is Evergreen.
Jerry Mendoza was a good friend of ours who lived near the railroad tracks.
Living near the railroad tracks was hazardous. Chemical waste was dumped into the ground and the water in the area was badly contaminated. The railroad companies eventually cleaned up the toxic waste, but for many in the area who got sick, it was too late. Jerry Mendoza lived right next to the tracks. He was good friends with my brother Fred and the other guys in the neighborhood. He died of leukemia at the age of 16. When I was little, he gave me a Nancy Sinatra album that had the song, “These Boots Are Made For Walking”. He was a rocker, and didn’t care for Nancy Sinatra. The album must’ve belonged to his mom or something. I just loved the album. It also included the songs “In My Room” and “As Tears go By”.
Jerry Mendoza gave this album to me, but he couldn’t find the cover to it, so I just got the record.
This was a big hit in 1966.
This was Bruce Springsteen’s second album, released on November 11, 1973. My sister Becky moved to New Jersey this particular year, and she told me that she and her husband Paco would see Springsteen perform at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park sometimes. Her husband knew Bruce in high school. Becky got to meet him. Wow, must’ve been quite a thrill. Check Bruce out below in this concert he held in Phoenix back in the day. What an amazing artist!
Soylent Green was released on April 19, 1973. This is how I spent Thanksgiving.
I saw these two movies on November 22, Thanksgiving night in 1973. I was very depressed, and also had a crush on a kid named Bill who lived near Salpointe. Shortly before dinnertime, I slipped out of the house and took the bus to Glenn and Campbell. I wandered up and down Bill’s street for a while and then went to the Catalina Movie Theater on Campbell and Grant, where I saw these two movies. They were both way too weird for me. I don’t remember how I made it home. The bus must’ve still been running late into the night. The only person that noticed I wasn’t home for dinner was my sister-in-law Lillian. She seemed genuinely concerned that I was gone, but nobody else thought much of it, sadly enough.
Westworld was released on August 17, 1973.
Newsweek Magazine 11-26-73. Famous last words…
Newsweek Magazine, December 3, 1973. The energy crisis was so bad that people were told not to put up Christmas lights during the holidays. There were long lines at all the gas pumps, and prices skyrocketed. This all occurred during the Arab-Israeli war when OPEC decided to play hard ball and put the squeeze on the availability of oil.
Father Frank Weil was one of several Carmelite priests who lived at the monastery on the Salpointe campus. He taught religion. We would eventually become very close friends, and I learned a lot from him.
My first semester’s report card. I managed to keep up my grades all through school.
While I liked the majority of my classes this semester, I didn’t really care for my English class, as it was team taught, and each teacher brought a different approach to their work. It didn’t provide for a lot of continuity, which I favored. However, I do remember one teacher in particular who had an impact on me early on. Her name was Sister Rachel, and one day in English class she played the song “What Did You Learn In School Today?” by a folksinger named Tom Paxton. She was “shocked” that none of us had heard of him before! The song was an eye opener, and I later sought it out. Tom Paxton was a folkie who was part of the Sixties generation of singer songwriters who became popular for their political lyrics and memorable tunes like Ramblin’ Boy and Early Mornin Rain. Another thing I remember clearly is that Sister Rachel and other nuns were involved heavily in the farm worker movement at the time, and I remember bringing my mom’s black velvet painting of the Virgen de Guadalupe to class so that Sister Rachel could use it in a protest march that was being held somewhere in the community. It made me very proud to have my mom’s painting included in the march. I didn’t know it at the time, but Sister Rachel was good friends with my other teachers Ron and Jane Cruz. I had a feeling she didn’t like me much for some reason, and I came away thinking she was a very moody nun. Oh well. I did appreciate that she turned me on to Tom Paxton!
I didn’t care much for my religion class either, but the teachers, Father Frank and Father Roderic in particular, did get us to start thinking about deeper stuff like “values” and “morality”. I wasn’t a bad kid, but I was still lost. I continued to struggle with my budding sexuality, and began to question who I was. I’d never thought much about it in the past. I was busy trying to “fit in” and not get beat up.
All in all, I managed to survive my first semester at Salpointe without too much difficulty. I liked my teachers. Most of them were supportive, but I do remember being told by a “counselor” early on that I shouldn’t get my hopes up about going on to college. I couldn’t believe my ears. I’d always wanted to continue my education and go to college, but this jerk must have assumed that because I was Mexican American, that I wasn’t college material. This made me more determined than ever to succeed. Bigotry and hatred towards Mexican Americans, while not always expressed so openly, did exist at Salpointe. I would encounter it at the oddest moments, and it would really shock me and throw me off kilter for a while, but I can be rather stubborn, and I’ve always known I was gifted academically, so I didn’t give up and I persevered in spite of the obstacles and bigoted people I encountered along the way.
The following is from the September 18, 2015 issue of the magazine, Psychology Today.
“In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) asked all members attending its convention to vote on whether they believed homosexuality to be a mental disorder. 5,854 psychiatrists voted to remove homosexuality from the DSM, and 3,810 to retain it.The APA then compromised, removing homosexuality from the DSM but replacing it, in effect, with “sexual orientation disturbance” for people “in conflict with” their sexual orientation. Not until 1987 did homosexuality completely fall out of the DSM.“
The classification of homosexuality as a mental illness was removed from this manual in December, 1973, but not completely…
I wrote the following poem around this time. I was fourteen years old.
This song got a lot of airplay. I just loved it. I felt like a lonesome cowboy a lot of the time, sad and depressed.
I started working the Spring semester of my freshman year. I got a job in the snack bar during Bingo nights and worked with my two aunts and my santito cousins selling soft drinks, pop corn, tacos, tostadas, and sandwiches. I had to get a health card in order to serve food.
My Pima County Health card, which I obtained in order to work at the Salpointe snack bar on bingo nights.
This birthday telegram was from my sister Becky and her husband. They got his name wrong. It was Paco, not Taco. Cracked me up!
Spring 1974–this is the semester that changed my life. Growing up, I knew my family was of Mexican and Spanish descent, but we never really discussed our family history in much detail, although my dad was very proud of his Spanish roots. His father was Asturiano, and came to North America from Spain at the turn of the century. His mother was from Zacatecas, Mexico, but also of Spanish descent. My mother’s family, on the other hand was mostly Indio Mexicano and part Spanish. I knew very little about her father’s or mother’s families. Once my grandparents families made it up north, their ties to Mexico weakened with each succeeding generation. As a little boy, I was very light-skinned, a guerito, as they say. I could easily pass for being “white”, especially in my younger years. My brother Fred on the other hand, had darker skin, and people quickly identified him as “Mexican”. This dichotomy played itself out in my whole family. Three of us were light-skinned and three of us were darker in complexion. I never really felt like part of the family. My brothers and sisters were all incredibly good looking, and I felt anything but that. I was fat and cross-eyed, a clumsy, goofy kid with very low self esteem. It didn’t help that my older sister Becky would tease me and tell me I was dropped off on the doorstep and adopted. She was kidding, of course, but I was just a child and I believed her at one point. It messed me up.
This appeared on televison on 01-31-74. It was an amazing movie. Cicely Tyson was incredible.
This is the first record album I bought with my own money in 1974. I got it at Discount Records on University Blvd. I still have it.
I saw this with a bunch of friends at the drive-in. We were all cracking up, it was so funny. 2/7/74.
Before the second semester started, Salpointe had what was called “Interim Week”. During this time, all the students were able to take mini-courses on any number of topics. I can’t remember the name of the mini-course, but I signed up for one with a teacher named Ron Cruz. The course was a mix of politics and history, and Ron ended up taking us on field trips to a variety of places downtown, including Barrio Viejo and the Pima County Courthouse. It was an eye opening experience, because Ron was teaching us local history, our history. I’d never been exposed to it before, and I was completely hooked. It turns out Ron was going to teach an entire class on the topic soon and he invited me to sign up for it, even though most of the other students enrolled in it were sophomores.
The class was called “Cultural Awareness” but it was really an introduction to Chicano Studies. It opened my eyes to who I was. I was finally able to understand the significance of my family background and began to learn about our social structure and my family’s place in it. I embraced the word CHICANO because Ron defined it as a person who was proud of both his indigenous and Spanish roots and someone who had a sense of “critical consciousness” about the historical and political realities of American society and who worked to make the world a better place. That’s exactly who I wanted to be and do too.
To elaborate, this brief description from Wikipedia describes well just what I was experiencing. “Critical consciousness, conscientization, or conscientização in Portuguese, is a popular education and social concept developed by Brazilian pedagogue and educational theoristPaulo Freire, grounded in post-Marxistcritical theory. Critical consciousness focuses on achieving an in-depth understanding of the world, allowing for the perception and exposure of social and political contradictions. Critical consciousness also includes taking action against the oppressive elements in one’s life that are illuminated by that understanding.[1]
In subsequent years, I would continue my education in Chicano history and other topics such as the study of social movements and non-violence. I am forever grateful to my teachers Ron and Jane for helping to guide me in this direction.
Ron Cruz taught a course called “Cultural Awareness”. It was really Chicano Studies, and it changed my life. I took it the second semester of my freshman year.
In this class, I was exposed to music, poetry, history, politics, film and literature. Ron would play us Mexican corridos, and on his classroom walls were portraits of accomplished Mexican Americans, people like senators, congressmen, educators and labor leaders. He would also show a variety of films in class, which I really enjoyed. He helped us all realize that we had a deep, rich history, one to be proud of. Wow. I felt like I had finally found myself, at least partially. There certainly was a lot more to discover and explore, but this was the start of a long adventure of self discovery and self acceptance!
The poem, Yo Soy Joaquin/I Am Joaquin by Rodolfo “Corky Gonzales, had a huge impact on me. The film below added another dimension to it altogether.
My dad was a copper miner and a union man. This film is just amazing and it helped me understand some of the workplace challenges people like my dad faced.
Salt of the Earth, one of the best documentaries ever made.
I bought this book when I was at Salpointe. I still have it. Chicano History 101 in Pictures.
This movie was bad, as in pretty awful , but I clearly remember seeing it at the Buena Vista. It was released on March 7, 1974. It starred Lucille Ball and Bea Arthur.
This album by Daniel Valdez, titled Mestizo, was released in February 1974. He wrote all the music, and it was yet another example of Chicano artistic expression. It’s an amazing album. The concert below showcases his talents.
I’ve had this since high school. It’s all beat up, but I still treasure it.
Listening to corridos in Mr. Cruz’s class piqued my interest in traditional Mexican music. I bought this album at the local drugstore, El Campo Drugs, on 22nd and Country Club sometime in the Spring of ’74. I still have it.
This was released in February, 1974. It preceded her big hit, “At Seventeen” by a year. The title cut is beautiful. I didn’t buy this until a couple years later. For a while, I bought every new album she released in the 70s. What a gifted woman!
This album was released on 2-25-74 and included the hit, “Until You Come Back To me, That’s What I’m Gonna Do, written for Aretha by Stevie Wonder. I would be a few more years until I really started listening to this woman. My sister Irene had the 8-track recording. The following song is my favorite.
John Denver. My first concert!
This 1974 concert, featuring John Denver, was the first one I’d ever been to, and it was held at the brand new Tucson Community Center arena on March 1, 1974. His big hits at the time were “Sunshine on My Shoulders”, and “Take Me Home, Country Roads” and my brother Rudy owned his album, John Denver’s Greatest Hits.
I loved this song. It was a huge hit for Mr. Denver.
This was probably the last carnival that I went to at Southgate, mid-March, 1974.
This was taken at the carnival at Southgate.
Irene and her girls at the carnival in 1974.
While this wasn’t the Eagles very first album, it was filled with great tunes, like Ol 55, Best of My Love and My Man.
God, I love this song.
I wasn’t always aware of it, but my feet have always been immersed in both Mexican culture (especially at home, listening to my parents and relatives speak to each other in Spanish, listening to norteno music on the radio in the kitchen , watching El Teatro Mexicano on TV every week, going to Catholic mass every Sunday, and eating Mexican food all the time), and American culture ( via television, popular music, literature, and film).
All of the songs on this album are in Spanish. The recording was released in April, 1974. I bought it at JC Penney downtown. It was dedicated to Victor Jara and the people of Chile and was hugely popular in Latin America. One of my favorites, No Nos Moveran, follows. The song is preceded by a poem written by Pablo Neruda and recited by Joan.
This is the cover of the 1973-1974 Salpointe Yearbook. It was a high quality product. The advisor for the yearbook staff, David Cosgrove, was a real pro, and he worked wonders with his students.
I enjoyed taking science classes. My teacher for this class, which was called “Introduction to Physical Science,” was a man named Paul Shubitz. I would also take physics from him the following year.
I did really well academically my first year. This is the highest I was ever ranked. The school stopped ranking students my junior year.
SUMMER, 1974.
During the summer of ’74, I tried my hand at washing dishes at Howard Johnson’s during the graveyard shift. I lasted only a month, and earned just over $350. It was the first time I’d ever contributed to the federal tax system, however. From this point on, I’d continue working and paying income tax every year, either at the snack bar or at other places.
This is a postcard of Howard Johnson’s on the Benson Highway, where I worked in the summer of ’74. Needless to say, I didn’t like the work or the hours. One of my duties was to vacuum the restaurant floor. There was a jukebox in the room, and I would play the song below practically every shift I worked there. I remember it as clear as day.
This album was released on 7-19-74. One day as I was walking along 22nd St, going home from Randolph Park, I found a copy of this album jacket lying on the side of the street. It was all beat up and there was no record inside. I picked it up and took it home, and told myself that one day I would find the record, and I did. This has become one of my favorite Neil Young albums. I didn’t get into listening to him a lot until a few years later. My friend Richard loved his albums “Tonight’s the Night”, and “Zuma”. It took me a while, but I eventually acquired these and many others. The song that follows is just great.
Nixon resigned the Presidency on August 8, 1974.
This album was released on 8-11-74. I didn’t acquire it until a few years later. I think following song is amazing.
Our new President and First Lady…
More treasures from the music room of the public library downtown. I fell in love with the flute after listening to this album, and was soon learning how to play it. This is some the most beautiful music Mozart ever wrote. The album, in its entirety follows. Side 2 showcases the clarinet virtuosity of Jacques Lancelot as he presents Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A Major.
As I entered my second year of high school, I was still struggling with the fact that I was attracted to boys. I continued to hide how I felt, although I did have a couple of sexual encounters with one of my travieso cousins around this time. What started out as horseplay developed into something else altogether. The details aren’t important. I’ll just say I enjoyed it immensely, but knew I couldn’t tell a soul about it, nor could I allow it to continue. What felt so right was wrong, at least that’s how everyone around me, including me, thought about it.
This was also the year I became great friends with Ron and Jane Cruz, Richard Elias and Sylvia Boyed. Richard and I had met in Mr. Cruz’s Cultural Awareness class the previous semester, and we both ended up playing the tenor saxophone in the marching band together in the Fall of ’74. We were also on the newspaper staff together. The following semester, we led a petition drive to get scab lettuce out of the high school cafeteria. Most of the student body signed the petition, but the administration let us down and we were informed that the lettuce machines didn’t work with romaine or other kinds of lettuce. They only worked with iceberg lettuce, so our effort went down the drain. It was fun, nevertheless. We had drive and were passionate about a cause, and we succeeded in getting the vast majority of students on our side.
As I just noted, I started to spend a lot of time in and out of school with Richard my sophomore year, and we would remain very close throughout the rest of our time at Salpointe. I would, for example, go to his house after school and play basketball with him or watch Hogan’s Heroes and The Munsters on TV with him. I even stayed at his house and had dinner with his whole family multiple times. Richard’s parents were very kind and generous to me at a period in my life when I needed such generosity. My mom was hospitalized at this point, and there was no such thing as “family dinner time” at my house. I always marveled at how the Elias family would eat together every day, and how Mr. Elias would engage his kids in conversation at the dinner table. Richard had an older sister named Ana, and an older brother named Albert, both of whom I became good friends with as well.
My beautiful sister Becky.
I knew every song by heart…
My song for Richard…
If there was one album that I cherished in my teen years, it was Carole King’s Tapestry. I especially loved the tunes, So Far Away and You’ve Got a Friend. I thought of my sister Becky when I heard the first of the two, and of Richard when I heard the second. Becky and Richard became the two most important people in the world to me, and while one was close in proximity, both were very far away. Unreachable. I’d dare not share how I felt about Richard, yet somehow I think everyone must’ve known that I was completely smitten and totally in love–a real mess, yes indeed. Becky was the only person in the world at the time that I felt understood how hard things were for me growing up. She was there when I needed her, but had moved very far away, and it would be years before I’d see her again.
This double album was a compilation of Joan Baez’s music going all the way back to the early Sixties. It was one of the first of her recordings that I ever purchased. It was released in August, 1974.
This song originally appeared on the album “Blessed Are”, but it was included in the Contemporary Ballad Book album, which consisted of a variety of songs Joan recorded throughout her career up until 1971 or so.
The film, “The Longest Yard”, premiered on August 21, 1974. It was so funny!
Puberty finally started kicking in big time my sophomore year…I hated my hair in this photo. The longer it got, the curlier and more unruly it became.
Being in the marching band was a great experience, but I stopped participating after my sophomore year. I found this letter somewhere in the band office and kept it.
That’s my best friend Richard Elias in the front, followed by me, looking all dorky. Richard and I became close friends around this time. Our friendship lasted a lifetime. He died in 2020.
Our band in 1974. Richard is on the left tickling the girl sitting below him, and I’m in the middle towards the right playing with the hair of the girl sitting in front of me. Poor Colleen.
My buddy, Richard. He was a spunky one, that’s for sure!
Released on September 13, 1974. Richard owned this album, and we’d listen to it together all the time. I bought my own copy eventually. Several of the songs hit me like a freight train when I listen to them, especially now that Richard’s gone.
Another Richard song…
In 1974, I joined the student newspaper staff. Richard became the editor after he pulled off a coup, forcing the former editor out of the way. Jane Cruz, Ron’s husband, was our advisor, and our buddy Ronnie Burch was one of our co-conspirators and partners “in crime” as they say. We had a blast. I didn’t know much at all about journalism at the time, but I did write at least a couple of articles for the paper while there.
This is the cover of one of newspapers. We were rank amateurs, but like I said, we had a blast.
This was taken in the Crusader office. I don’t remember what I was doing.
My brother Rudy fell ill around this time and his wife divorced him. I took him to see George Harrison in November, 1974 when he came to town and performed at the Community Center with Billy Preston and Ravi Shankar. Rudy had always been a big Beatles fan, and he really enjoyed the show. Unable to work, he moved in with my parents and lived with them for several years before he remarried and started a new family.
This was Rudy’s favorite song.
This was Linda Ronstadt’s breakthrough album, released in November, 1974. Her hit song, “You’re No Good” was played day and night on the radio. I preferred other songs from the album like the title cut and the Hank Williams song “I Can’t Help It (If I’m Still In Love With You). Like many Tucsonans, I became a lifelong fan. Her music provided the soundtrack to my youth.
One of my favorites from this album.
Released on December 15, 1974. I’m pretty sure I saw this at the Fox Theater downtown.
I continued to do well academically. If I’d had a choice, I wouldn’t have taken religion or P.E. but they were required.
I’m including this song because it reminds me of when I started playing the flute. My friend Jane Tannich let me borrow hers, and I had it for almost a year. I played it during midnight mass church services at the Carmelite house’s little chapel, and my friend Karen Ocon’s mom, who was a flutist herself with the Tucson Symphony, complimented me on my playing. I also played the flute during another service, and Morning Has Broken was one of the songs I played a solo on. I should’ve kept it up, but didn’t pursue music in college.
Freddy Fender released this album in late 1974. By January, 1975, he released the title cut as a single and it put him at the top of the charts.
This was a particularly difficult year for me and my family. I turned 16 on January 15, but there was no celebration. I spent the evening at home listening to oldies and moping. I felt so awkward and lonely. A week later, a couple of my immediate family members got into some serious trouble, and our lives were never the same. I can’t divulge many details, but there were a lot of heavy changes that took place. Another sibling separated from his wife at this time, making things even more difficult to deal with. I struggled at school, and felt isolated and very depressed. I still had my friends and teachers, but it sure was rough going there for a while. I don’t think anyone had any idea what I was going through at the time.
Blood on the Tracks, one of Dylan’s best albums ever, was released on January 20, 1975.
The entire album is a work of genius, but this song gets me every time.
I didn’t do that well in this particular competition. The highest ranking was a ‘superior’ rating and all I got was an “excellent” rating. I couldn’t get a ride to this event, which was held at the University of Arizona’s School of Music building, and I therefore had to ride my bicycle all the way there while holding my saxophone in my lap. I made it without crashing, but I was all sweaty and agitated by the time I got there. I wasn’t in a good space, that’s for sure. Life at home was not great.
Released in February, 1975, this was Janis Ian’s breakthrough recording that included “At Seventeen”. She hadn’t had a hit since she recorded “Society’s Child” in 1966. I love this album.
Here was another instance where I had to find my way on my own, finally getting to the testing site all flustered and sweaty. This time it was to Rincon High School. I took the bus there, barely making it in time for the exam. I usually did well on Spanish tests, but this time, ugh, I felt like I had bombed.
Joan Baez started her career in 1959, the year I was born, but she was rarely on the radio. Her only hit was “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down”, which I didn’t particularly like. I started listening to her my freshman year. The first records of hers, aside from the aforementioned one, that I heard were “In Concert: Part II”(1963) and “David’s Album”(1969). I borrowed them from the public library downtown. My mother bought me the album “Diamonds and Rust” in 1975, and I wrote an article about Ms. Baez for the student newspaper around the same time. This was the year she was part of Bob Dylan’s “Rolling Thunder Revue” tour, which began in October, 1975 and lasted until May of the following year.
This album was a huge commercial breakthrough for Joan Baez. It included her signature song, “Diamonds and Rust”. It was released on April 1, 1975.
My friend Richard’s sister Ana made him a head band just like this one for his cowboy hat, and I bugged her relentlessly to make me one too until she finally relented. I wore it proudly.
The Crusader office had a subscription to El Malcriado, which was the UFW’s official newspaper. I did a book report on Forty Acres for my history class and also read Sal Si Puedes, which was one of the most popular works out at the time that dealt with the UFW. Peter Mathiessen was a well known and prolific author who later went to write “In The Spirit of Crazy Horse” an outstanding book about the American Indian Movement.
Richard and I would also sometimes accompany Ron and Jane to various liquor stores in town to picket their sales of Gallo Wines. We boycotted Lee’s Liquors on N. Stone and Speedway as well as another one on Tanque Verde Rd near Grant. At that one, the owner put loudspeakers outside where were were picketing and blasted “the Stars and Stripes Forever”, lest we forget we were in Amerikkka. Jane helped us make these homemade buttons.
I attended this event with my teacher Ron Cruz and buddy Richard. Tijerina, was considered one of the four major leaders of the Chicano Movement back in the day. He was a controversial figure, but a very, passionate, dynamic speaker, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to hear him speak in person.
April 30, 1975. The Vietnam War finally ends!
James Taylor has always been one of my favorite singers. This album was released on May 1, 1975. It includes some great folk songs like Wandering and Sarah Maria, and the big hits, “Mexico” and “How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You”.
Mr. Garcia was a nice man, but some of the students I knew were always pulling pranks on him, and would do things like put thumb tacks or bubble gum on his chair. One time he sat on a big wad of gum and wore the same pants two or three times before he realized there was gum on them. Ah, high school…
My Spanish teachers were Mrs. DeValk and Mr. Jose’ Garcia. I had started learning the language formally in junior high. It was an easy subject for me, because, of course, my parents and relatives all spoke it. My generation was the first generation on both sides of my family whose first language was not Spanish. It blows my mind when I think about it.
I received this award in recognition for having worked with my friends Richard and Jorge to get scab lettuce out of the school cafeteria. We circulated petitions around campus demanding this, but in the end we were defeated because the school administration told us that the lettuce cutting machines could not cut romaine or other types of lettuce, and there was no way the cafeteria workers could do this work by hand. We lost this battle, but learned some invaluable lessons.
This is the cover of the 1974-75 Salpointe Yearbook. It was not a great production like the previous year’s annual, but it’s what we had. Mr Cosgrove had left Salpointe in 1974, but returned by the start of the 1975-76 school year and helped bring the quality of the yearbooks up to par again by the time the next yearbook appeared.
I was a member of the National Honor Society throughout jr. high and high school. I’m on the upper right hand corner in this photo. My good friend Sylvia is the third person in the front row. She and I were very close at one point. My good friend Felicia is also in the photo, in the front row, fifth from the right.
I got better grades this semester, but my rank was lower this time around. How they figured that stuff out was beyond me.
Ron and Jane, sitting on their front porch on S. 4th Ave. with their dog and their two children, Elida and Beto.
SUMMER, 1975.
I had the honor of meeting Cesar Chavez at the event noted below. I would meet him again in 1988 when I lived in Michigan. He was a very soft-spoken man. Meeting him was the thrill of a lifetime.
Richard and I both attended this event and met Cesar Chavez. He was sitting in the pew in back of us and Ron introduced us to him and told him what we had accomplished back at school. He later wrote us a thank you letter for our efforts.
The above film can be watched on youtube, but it’s broken up into six parts. Here is the first part. Subsequent parts appear on the right of the youtube page.
From the Tucson Citizen, May 26, 1975.
Country rock was all the rage. This was yet another group that popularized it. They had a big hit with a song called “Amy”, but my favorite is the one that follows. The album was released sometime in June, 1975.
I started attending the Cathedral around this time, even though our family parish was St. Ambrose. Richard was member of St. Augustine’s, so there I went…I enjoyed the choir and stayed in it for over a year.
Released on June 10, 1975, this album includes one of my all time favorite songs, “Take It To the Limit”. Wow!
This is a live version of Take It To the Limit
I took a summer school English class at Tucson High this particular summer. I never understood what the Rime of the Ancient Mariner was all about, nor did I really understand the other works we read. We had a lousy teacher. I always thought I did well in English, but this class was awful. It didn’t help that my cousin Martin was also in the class, because he was not a good influence and liked to party. I took one more summer school class at Tucson high. It was in American history. I’m not sure if I took it this summer or the following summer, however. I do remember my brother Fred’s future wife Ruth was in the class. She was always asking about him.
Released on June 16, 1975, this album was a best seller. It featured the tunes, “Low Rider” and the title cut.
Released on June 20, 1975. This album became one of my very favorites over time. It was Richard’s favorite too.
What a song!
My teacher Ron is on the far right. He and several others are picketing a store called Market Spot on E. Speedway near Park Ave. Notice the guy in the back middle wagging his finger at the camera.
Richard and I decided to go to the drive-in one night. We watched all of Big Mad Mama, but left during the next film, “Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia”. It had a lot of violence and nudity in it, and it made Richard and me quite uncomfortable. This ad appeared in the July 13, 1975 issue of the Arizona Daily Star.
One of my prized possessions. I still have it, of course.
I found another summer job, this time at Tucson Newspapers, Inc. and had money to buy concert tickets. Richard and I went to the concert specifically to see Santana, and we left when Clapton started playing. Go figure. The concert was held on August 17, 1975.
Celebrating Tucson’s Bicentennial
To see the full Tucson Bicentennial Official Schedule description of events program, click here.
My friend Richard’s father, Mr. Albert Elias, owner of Old Pueblo Printers, printed the program for Tucson’s Bicentennial. I helped RIchard “collate” the programs. There sure were a lot of pages. RIchard’s family has been in Tucson since the founding of the presidio.
The Elias children: Albert, Ana and RIchard (this photo is likely from the early 80s).
Born to Run, Springsteen’s third album and his most popular to date, was released on August 25. It would take me a few more years to realized what a gifted musician this guy is. My sister got to meet him when she lived in New Jersey.
All I remember from this show was the song, Witchy Woman. The Eagles became superstars soon after this. We would also later see Linda Ronstadt in the same venue. I think I even saw her two or three times in the 70s. The Eagles started out as her backup band. I went to this concert with my buddy Richard. It was held on August 28, 1975, a week or so before classes started.
Linda Ronstadt’s follow up to Heart Like A Wheel was a wonderful album. It was released on September 15, 1975. I couldn’t wait to see her live in concert. I did end up seeing her twice before the 70’s were over. She was a trailblazer in so many ways. Love is A Rose, written by Neil Young is included in this album. It’s one of my favorites.
Here I am during my junior year. 16 years old, with a face full of acne.
Sister Claire Dunn taught American politics, and I was in her class. She was the nicest person. She’d give me rides home all the time. She later ran for a seat in the State Legislature and was involved in politics for a several years, but was tragically killed in the early 80’s in an auto accident on the freeway between Tucson and Phoenix.
This album was released on October 17, 1975. I bought a copy of it and played it again and again. The biggest hit from this album was “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover”, but preferred the title cut and the tune “My Little Town”.
Mr. Gary Heinz taught Global Studies. We focused solely on the histories of China and the Soviet Union, however. Mr. Heinz would use the entire blackboard to write out his lecture outline and notes every class. He was one of the very few teachers that did that. I remember he offered extra credit once to the student who could correctly write down the names of all the state capitals the fastest. I won the contest. I also wrote one of my first creative writing essays in his class. It was about Taoism. I got an A on it. I asked Mr Heinz if I could have the paper, but he decided to keep it. He also had us all write papers about some aspect of Russian History. I chose to write about Alexander Kerensky, head of the provisional government in 1917 for just a few months. The Bolsheviks soon took power and he was exiled.
I read a book on Taoism and also wrote a paper on the Russian leader Alexander Kerensky for Mr. Heintz’s Global Studies class.
Mr. Heintz held a contest and awarded a prize to the first student in the class who could identify all of the capital cities of the 50 states of the union. I won the contest. I’ve loved geography ever since elementary school.
Released on November 19, 1975. A great film.
Doing well academically was the only thing I had going for me. I was so “out of it” otherwise. I was desperately in love with someone, but could never say a word about it or do anything about it. I eventually realized this person would not be around after a while. I knew I would have to come to terms with it sooner or later.
The Cathedral Choir Christmas photo. It was taken at Old Tucson in 1975.
Richard and I would love to listen to this 1975 album, by one of Tucson’s best loved country rock bands. Our favorite songs were “Drunken Mistake,” “Heatstroke” “Too Many Pretty Women To Love Just One,” and “The Hoochie Coochie Man’s Been Hoochie Cooed”. Honky Tonk Music is another one.
Bob Dylan’s Desire album was released on January 5, 1976.
My friend Terri Cozetti bought this for me for my birthday. It was released in early January, 1976. I played it to death.
Love Song to a Stranger, Part II. Part one came out on her album, “Come From the Shadows”.
My brother Rudy started listening to Dylan way back in the mid-60s. I started listening in earnest in the mid-70s. My buddy Richard also became a big fan around this time. This issue of Rolling Stone magazine appeared on January 15, 1976. What a great birthday present!
Meanwhile, my friends Ron and Jane bought me this record for my birthday. I still have it. They also bought me one by a composer named Elliott Carter. I didn’t care for it, as Carter was an avante-garde composer and to this day, I don’t like that stuff. I have that album somewhere…
Here it is. It’s just not my cup of tea. Sorry, Ron.
The Crusader newspaper staff. This little office was like a safe haven. Richard was our editor in chief and Jane our advisor.
My buddy Richard. After he graduated, he went on to college and then worked in public housing for many years. He also served on the Pima County Board of Supervisors and became one of Tucson’s most beloved, progressive leaders.
Jane Cruz remains one of my best friends. I’m so lucky that she and Ron were my teachers. They helped me get through the most difficult period of my life.
Jane taught Chicano Literature. I was in her class the second semester of my junior year.
This is from Jane’s class on Chicano literature. I still have the xeroxed readings and study guides that she handed out to us.
Chicano literature in a nutshell…
Released on 2/8/76. Robert DeNiro was incredible, as was Jody Foster.
By the mid-70s my mom and dad started shopping at Fry’s on 22nd street instead of at El Grande. One time, my dad cornered the assistant manager and asked him to put me to work. I started bagging groceries at Fry’s sometime in the Spring of 1976 at the age of 17. When I turned 19, I was promoted to cashier, and remained there the entire time I was in college. I put in 10 years altogether, and since the age of 62 have been collecting a small pension.
By the last semester of my junior year, I had learned the guitar, the trumpet and the flute, and continued to play the saxophone. Today, I still play the flute and the guitar. I haven’t touched a saxophone or trumpet in a very long time.
Released on April 5, 1976. These two are among my very favorite actors. What a team!
Meanwhile, two adult friends of mine and Richard’s who shall remain nameless took us to see this film. What a hoot!
From the April 5, 1976 edition of the Arizona Daily Star.
I did well on my ACT test. Below is a chart showing average test scores over time. The average national composite score in 1975 (see chart below) was 18.5 and mine was 28.
Sister Joan Winter was my friend and confidant my junior year. She was such a wonderful person. Her favorite expression was “WOW!”
I can’t believe I drank this stuff. It was a very popular soft drink, especially among my female friends.
Horizons, the 1975-76 Salpointe Yearbook. It was a well produced effort, again led by Mr. Cosgrove, who had returned to Salpointe after a year’s absence.
Karen Koster was the librarian at Salpointe the final semester of my junior year. I sometimes volunteered there after school, and she would, like Sister Claire, give me rides home every now and then. On the last day of school, she gave me a ride home and presented the following songbook to me as a parting thank you gift for having volunteered at the library.
This was a gift from the librarian Ms. Koster. I will always treasure it.
My last report card from Salpointe. I would quit before completing another semester.
The second semester of my junior year ended and most of my friends graduated. Richard went on to Colorado College and my friend Sylvia moved to San Diego and attended the University of San Diego. My friends Terri and Rose also left for college. Ronnie got a job and would soon be married.
Even Ron and Jane left. Ron went on to work for Nosotros, a local social service agency, and Jane ran a bookstore before going to work for Pima County Adult Education. I knew it was going to be rough for me the next semester. My support network had disappeared, but I had no idea how truly difficult things would get. Our family had problems coming out of its ears, and I couldn’t wait to leave home. It would take another year or two before that happened, however. I held on and did my best to get through and graduate the following Spring, but things didn’t quite work out that way.
Released in May, 1976, this is another compilation album of songs that spanned Joan Baez’s entire career. I bought it as soon as it was available. I was a Joan Baez fanatic at this point in my life.
This song never appeared on any of Joan’s previous albums until this point. There is another version available, but I just love this one. Released on May 27, 1976. This is one of my very favorite Aretha Franklin albums. All of the songs were written by Curtis Mayfield.
SUMMER, 1976.
From the Arizona Daily Star, June 7, 1976. I wasn’t aware that this had happened at the time. The boys that committed the crime were let off easy, with probation. I came out 2 years later and would be a regular visitor to the club where this incident occurred. I never heard anyone mention the incident at the time. I guess people didn’t want to remember.
By this time in my life, I wasn’t watching much television, but I did really love this particular show. The Gong Show, hosted by Chuck Barris, shown above, premiered on national television on June 14, 1976. It was a wild show that showcased people with talent and without talent…You can imagine what happened to those poor souls who didn’t cut it!
I’m not exactly sure when, but around this time I went with Richard and his mom to Nogales. I bought some greeting cards, post cards and other stuff while there. I still have these little treasures after all these years.
Textured felt postcards from Nogales.
A portrait of Zapata
Greeting cards
Jane and Ron nominated me for Boy’s State, which was to be held in Flagstaff. I wish I had known what it was all about. I hadn’t a clue, until it was nearly over. I wasn’t cut out for politics. Another boy would’ve benefited more from the experience than me. I was a shy, quiet person with very little self confidence. I trembled at the thought of speaking in front of other people. Oh well. I made it through the program somehow.
I had started to lose weight by this time, thank goodness.
The cover of Linda Ronstadt’s 1976 album, Hasten Down the Wind, sure turned a lot of heads. It was a great album, released on August 1, 1976
Linda’s father helped her write this song.
My teachers and friends, Ron and Jane Cruz, gave me a copy of this poster that they acquired when running La Campana Books. I still have it, but it’s badly beaten up. I had it hanging near a swamp cooler at one point and it got water damage. I found this copy online just recently.
A month and a half later, Ms. Ronstadt did a concert at the TCC Arena. I was there. It was a great show.
It was the start of my senior year, and I felt so terribly lonely. Things at home were worse than ever. My mom was very, very ill and life in our house was nearly unbearable. On top of that, I was working half time at Fry’s and had a full load of classes, including a couple where I ended up with a bunch of freshmen, because I messed up the sequencing of my classes a few years earlier. I took physics my sophomore year, when I should’ve taken biology, for example. I also had two advanced math classes, which were a real challenge. I was also supposed to fill the role of editor of the Crusader, something I knew was beyond my capabilities. I was under so much pressure, it nearly turned me into a basket case.
My friends were all away at college at this time, struggling with their own issues, but we managed to keep in touch regularly. Some did better than others at adjusting to college life away from home. Richard wrote a few letters, and I could sense that things weren’t very easy for him. Sylvia, Terri and Rose also corresponded with me regularly at this time. I still have all their letters. My sister Becky also wrote to me a lot, something she started doing back in ’73, after she moved to New Jersey. Her letters and cards were always encouraging. She knew that I was struggling, but would always try her best to cheer me up. Her favorite little saying to me was “cheer up, buttercup”. Ha ha ha. Oh, if only it were that easy!
The previous year, a good friend of mine named Marlena had left Salpointe early, at the end of the first semester of her senior year. She took the GED exam and went straight to the University of Arizona. I remembered that she had done this, and realized that was what I needed to do too, to preserve my sanity. So I decided to follow suit and announced to everyone that I was going to quit high school. My parents were horrified, as were my teachers and the school administrators. I was betraying everyone by doing this. I was losing out on getting in to a good school upon graduation. It was wrong, and I would regret it, they told me, but I knew it was the only solution. I was ready to crack. I had to get out, so I didn’t waste any time. I left Salpointe in late September and found out when and where I could take the GED. I took it in October, and then I set about getting myself enrolled at the University of Arizona, and completed all the paperwork by November. I did this all on my own, and my plan worked. By January, I started classes as a freshman at the University of Arizona, and I continued to work at Fry’s. A whole new chapter in my life was about to begin.
I took the GED exam sometime in October, 1976. I didn’t receive the grades or the diploma until nearly 3 years later, however, after the University of Arizona registrar’s office asked me to show proof of having graduated from high school. I had to contact the State office of Education and have the paperwork sent to me. I was already half way done with college by then!
My GED. I was told that I blew all my chances of going to a good University because of this, but the U of A was good enough for me. Making this move saved my life.
I played this album to death. One of my all time favorites, it was released on November 1, 1976
I couldn’t wait to start college. This document was verification that I was accepted! Yippee!!
This album was released in November, 1976. It includes some beautiful songs, including Victor Jara’s “Plegaria a un Labrador” and “Spanish Is The Loving Tongue” as well as the title track. It’s a beautiful record.
This was also released in November. Joan wrote all of the songs on this one.
Christmas, 1976. My friend Sylvia was a very special and dear friend . She and I were both immersed in exploring our faith at this point. For her, it became a lifelong journey. I, on the other hand, would sooner or later stray far away from religion, Catholicism and the Church, although I remained a seeker.
This is one of my very favorite albums. It was released on December 28, 1976, and I bought my copy from a guy named Claude, with whom I worked at Fry’s. He listened to it just once and didn’t like it. I, on the other hand, loved it. Many of the songs deal with traveling and life on the road, and in the coming year, I would start exploring the wider world on my own, trekking across country on a big Greyhound bus all by myself.
This great film premiered on 12/30/76. It’s a great documentary about la musica Tejana!
Here’s one of my favorites songs from the soundtrack:
“Chicano” by Los Pinguinos del Norte.
1976 marked a turning point in my life. It was the year I declared my independence and started making my own life decisions. It was also the year I started working a regular job. My earnings for the year totaled $1,832. From that point on, they would steadily increase and I would continue working for 9 more years at Fry’s, supporting myself through college. Even though I was young, adulthood had arrived. Freedom from my demons would also eventually become a reality too, but it would take another year or more before I came to terms with the truth, and many more before I fully accepted myself.
To be continued. Stay tuned for Part 4: The Undergraduate Years, 1977-1982…
8 thoughts on “My Life Story: High School, 1973-1976”
I absolutely love this Bob. I haven’5 had a chance to thoroughly read this yet, but I can’t wait.
I just finished reading it, reliving it with you. You make all those memories of Salpointe so vivid. We were both there the exact same time. The staff, the learners, the joys, and the angsts. I would love to have that photo of Ron if you could send it to me. You transport me, Bob, and I cannot wait to read more, to accompany you on your journey. You are one of my dearest friends.
Hola. I have just finished reading about your high school years at Salpointe. I was Sr Clare’s alternate delegate to the 1972 Democratic National Convention in Miami, Florida. Bob, are you aware that someone is writing a book about Sr. Clare? Her name is Norah Booth, a writer like you. I emailed her that you may be able to provide some good stories for her book about Sr. Clare. Feel free to contact her-Norah Booth I hope you contact her, anyway, your writing is good. Thank you, danny gallardo, 2319 E 20th St. but only my mother lives there now
I absolutely love this Bob. I haven’5 had a chance to thoroughly read this yet, but I can’t wait.
Hi Jane. I just finished it. Please take another look if you haven’t yet! Love you!
I just finished reading it, reliving it with you. You make all those memories of Salpointe so vivid. We were both there the exact same time. The staff, the learners, the joys, and the angsts. I would love to have that photo of Ron if you could send it to me. You transport me, Bob, and I cannot wait to read more, to accompany you on your journey. You are one of my dearest friends.
Hola. I have just finished reading about your high school years at Salpointe. I was Sr Clare’s alternate delegate to the 1972 Democratic National Convention in Miami, Florida. Bob, are you aware that someone is writing a book about Sr. Clare? Her name is Norah Booth, a writer like you. I emailed her that you may be able to provide some good stories for her book about Sr. Clare. Feel free to contact her-Norah Booth I hope you contact her, anyway, your writing is good. Thank you, danny gallardo, 2319 E 20th St. but only my mother lives there now
Dan, I love it.
I meant Bob. I was looking at Dan’s name.
Hi Norah. Thank you!