My Work

On this page you will find most of my presentations, publications, papers, poster sessions, exhibitions, programs/events, performances, radio programs, and other projects, going back to the early 1980s when I was in college. (Not included in this list are the many blog posts that I’ve created in the past few years, as they are accessible, by date on the right side of this page. These posts are also “my work”). There are many public lectures and programs included, as I was coordinator of exhibits and events for Special Collections at the University of Arizona Library from 2012 to 2018, and while I was rarely, if ever, the main attraction at these events, I did the work of “producing” them, including choosing the program topics, identifying, contacting and securing speakers, writing publicity for our marketing team and other activities. A successful program or event takes a lot of time and effort. I could not have done this work alone, and I am grateful to have received a lot of support from the staff of the University of Arizona Library and my colleagues in Special Collections, especially with publicity, marketing, and event logistics.


Note: Many of these are linked to web pages or pdf files of powerpoint presentations or papers. Click on the title to see more.


My Life Story: 1996 (posted on June 22, 2024). 1996 was a year filled with programming at work and travel to various cities for conferences and other activities. Highlights include a presentations at Harvard and travel to Austin for the first national REFORMA conference, as well as trips to New York City, Seattle, Pittsburgh and Detroit.

My Curriculum Vitae, Updated June 9, 2024. This was the first year that librarians at the UA had to update their curriculum vitaes in preparation for their 2023 annual reviews. I submitted mine in January, and updated it to include activities I’ve engaged in since the beginning of the year.

My Life Story, 1995. Another overview of my travels, my work and other activities. A highlight for the year was purchasing our very first home. It was a year filled with many memorable moments.

A Look Back at Chicano Culture in Tucson in the 1970s…This blog post started as a presentation that I gave to Jacqueline Barrios’s PAH 420 class in March, 2024. It’s my attempt at providing the social and historical context around the building of Tucson’s El Pueblo Neighborhood Center and the creation of the murals that adorn its walls.

“Voices for Libraries”, Washington DC, March 6-7, 2024 The ALA Washington Office invited me for the second year in a row to participate in its national day of advocacy on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. I worked with my colleague Erin MacFarlane to prepare presentations that we gave to the aides of two Arizona Senators and three Arizona congressmen.

My Life Story: 1994 This is yet another chapter in the story of my life, where I discuss my work as Assistant to the Dean for Staff Development, Recruitment and Diversity at the UA Libraries, my scholarship and service, as well as my travels and my personal life.


A quick overview of the history of the Mexican American community in Tucson from Its Beginnings to the Mid-70s. I gave this presentation in a class on public art history during the 2023 Fall semester.

My life story: 1993 This blog post provides details about my life and work at age 34. It was a milestone year, as I met my life partner this particular year.

Tina Turner remembered I wrote this shortly after Tina Turner died. I’d been a longtime fan of hers since I was a teenager, so I decided to gather all the recordings, books and other materials I had in my personal library and put them all together in a blog post. I added lots of additional material along the way, including a list of her singles and a chronology of her life.

Genealogical Resources available in Special Collections at the University of Arizona 5/10/23″. Session for the Pima County Genealogical Society, May 10, 2023“. An introduction to resources in Special Collections at the University of Arizona Librariy that can be used to find genealogical information.

“Leadership in Archives and Special Collections from a BIPOC Perspective”. A program proposal submitted for the 2023 RBMS Annual Conference. Accepted on March 3, 2023. In this program, Julie Tanaka, Petrina Jackson and Veronica Reyes Escudero will each discuss their paths to leadership in the world of rare book and manuscripts librarianship, and the benefits and challenges they have experienced along the way. Program will take place on June 28, 2023. Here is the abstract I submitted. There are very few archivists and librarians of color in the archives and special collections profession, let alone managers and leaders. The purpose of this program is to listen to and learn from those individuals who are in these roles. The program will consist of a series of questions for each panelist that will elicit responses about the paths taken by these individuals into managerial and leadership roles. What motivated them to become managers and leaders? How did they learn these roles? In school, on the job, in the community, from mentors? What challenges or barriers have they experienced along the way? What benefits do they get from being in these roles? Do they view management differently from leadership? What is the difference to them, if any? What advice would they offer to other people of color who aspire to management or leadership? What advice or feedback would they have for non-BIPOC managers or leaders? Each participant will be asked to respond to these questions, and there will also be time for audience feedback and questions.

“An Introduction to Artists’ Archives”, Society of American Archivists Students and New Archives Professionals Section panel presentation, program panelist, April 11, 2023. I spoke about the performing arts collections housed in Special Collections at the University of Arizona.


“El Dia de Los Ninos” event, April 30, 2022: As president of Tucson Chapter of REFORMA, I led the effort to produce a family-oriented event for El Dia Del Nino/Dia Del Libro. We partnered with the Galeria Mitotera and the Pima County Public Library and held the event outside, on the street just south of 29th and west of 4th Ave. I received a $2,000 grant from the Arizona State library to produce this event. We invited local musicians and storytellers to perform, and had various vendors on hand. We also gave away over 700 books and other educational items and had children’s crafts, and music was provided by Mariachis Las Aguilitas from Davis Elementary School.

“Dr. Arnulfo Trejo: A Look At His Life and Work”. This is a presentation I gave at the VII Encuentro Internacional Sobre Comunicacion, Frontera y Movimientos Emergentes, a bi-national conference sponsored by El Colegio de Sonora, the Confluence Center at the University of Arizona, and the Pima County Public Library.


My Life Story” / Blog posts. Ongoing. I have spent most of 2021 writing my life story, focusing on a year at a time. I plan to continue this work until I’m caught up to the present. It will likely take about another year or more to finish. Stay tuned.

Remembering Richard Elias: A Virtual Tribute, March 28, 2021. In this program, organized by Andres Cano and hosted by Ernesto Portillo, Jr., I and several other friends and associates of Richard’s share what Richard meant to us and to our community. I felt honored and humbled to be a part of this and to be the first speaker on the program.

What’s in a name?: LGBTQ+ and Latinx perspectives on access terminology–challenges and solutions / Program, June 26, 2021. A panel presentation featuring Emily Drabinsky, Andrea Guzman and Jamie Lee. American Library Association Annual meeting. As a member of the ALA Rainbow Roundtable, I produced this program for the American Library Association 2021 Annual Conference. Susan Wood, a fellow committee member, moderated the program. It was attended (virtually) by over 600 people and got a nice write-up in “American Libraries” magazine.

Keeping Our Statistics Up-To-Date. September 9, 2021. This was a presentation I gave to Special Collections staff about our reference statistics, what data we gather, and how we should record it. I also led a discussion about how we might change what data we gather, how we might improve our methods for recording and analyzing data and how we might use it to improve user services.

Reference Services in Special Collections at the University of Arizona Library. October 11, 2021. This was a training session I conducted for reference assistants in Special Collections. I provided an overview of my own experience with reference services in academic libraries and how it’s all changed over the past 35 years or so, and then focused on resources one should know about when providing reference service in Special Collections at the University of Arizona Library.

Teatro Libertad Collection. This is a finding aid to the Teatro Libertad papers housed in Special Collections at the University of Arizona. I was a member of this theater collective back in the mid-1980s. To read more about my involvement see the 1983 and 1984 entries in the “My Life Story section of my web page. Collection completed on October 18, 2021.


Architectural Collections at the University of Arizona Libraries” / Presentation, February 4, 2020. I prepared this for a conference titled The 2020 Arizona Archives Summit, held in Phoenix Arizona in early February, 2020. The presentation provided an overview of the architecture-related collections held in Special Collections, and provides background information about the various architects represented in our collections.

La Familia de Antonio Palacios Diaz / February 18, 2020 . This is the story of my paternal grandfather and his family. He was from Asturias, Spain and immigrated to the Americas in the early part of the 20th century. He settled in Arizona’s Verde Valley, and after 20 years there moved to Superior, Arizona, and then Tucson. This post includes photos, documents and stories shared by family members over the years.

The Chicano Connection / 2020 Shows. January 1 – February 26, 2020. These were my last shows before I retired from hosting this radio program on KXCI, 91.3 FM in Tucson. Audio files, and in some cases, playlists, of each program are included.

Remembering Dr. Arnulfo D. Trejo, 1922-2002. Blog post, May 6, 2020. This is a biographical sketch about Dr. Arnulfo Trejo, a library science professor at the University of Arizona who founded REFORMA, The National Association for Library Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking and The Graduate Library Institute for Spanish Speaking Americans. It also contains photos and material that provide further documentation about Dr. Trejo’s life and legacy.

Primary Resources/Archival Collections in the Performing Arts / Research Guide, 2020. (Created May 11, 2020. Updated October 21, 2021). This guide describes archival collections of materials in music, dance, theater arts, film and vaudeville housed in Special Collections at the University of Arizona Libraries.

Remembering Richard Elias / October 20, 2020. On October 20, 2020, the Pima County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution naming the Mission Branch of the Pima County Public Library after Richard Elias. Richard had been a member of the Board since 2002, and over the years, he remained a very strong supporter of libraries. He passed away suddenly on March 28, 2020. This post includes documents related to the naming of the Mission Branch after Richard. along with photos of Richard’s family and friends at the Board of Supervisors meeting where the resolution was passed.

La Familia de Donato Murrieta Rascon / October 26, 2020. This is the story of my maternal grandfather, Donato Murrieta Rascon and his family. He was born in the late 1880s in Tarachi, Sonora, and moved to the U.S. in the early 1920s to work in the mines in Arizona. I’ve compiled documents, photographs, and other materials to share what I know about this side of my family. I continue to add to it as I learn more about it.

Update on the Fine Arts Library at the University of Arizona“ / Publication, October, 2020. Article in the Mountain Plains Chapter of the Music Library Association’s newsletter, Conventional Title, Opus 76, October 2020.

Revitalization/Renewal of the Tucson Chapter of REFORMA, the National Association for the Promotion of Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish- Speaking. In September, 2020, I decided to get the REFORMA Tucson chapter back up and running. It had been dormant since 2017. I recruited students from the I-School at the University of Arizona as well as others, primarily staff from the Pima County Public Library. By January of 2021, we had held elections for officers, and had re-established our bank accounts and relationship with the national organization. There are currently just under 20 paid members. We’ve been meeting monthly on Zoom since late 2020 and we continue to add new members.

Blog posts added to Bob’s World web page: I started in earnest adding new material to my website in early 2020. By the end of the year, I had added approximately 80 new entries altogether. These include posts about my family and my work, primarily, and can be found by exploring the various sections of my website or by scrolling through the list of posts on the right side of the page.


Film and Music of the Vaudeville Era, 1920-1960, MS 705 / Collection Guide, 2019. This is a finding aid for an archival collection of compact disc sound recordings and dvd/vhs films from the vaudeville era that I processed in Special Collections. They are available to the general public, but need to be viewed or listened to in-house at Special Collections at the University of Arizona Libraries.

The Chicano Connection / 2019 Shows. I hosted 42-2 hour weekly radio shows in 2019. The audio files are included. In some cases, so are the playlists.

Roses, Etc. / 2019 2019 was a tough year. I had a series of health problems which impacted my output of work for the entire year. One thing I did manage to do on a regular basis, however, was to take lots of photos of flowers–roses for the most part–whenever I had the chance. This is a sampling of the photos I took this particular year.


Judith Chafee: Iconoclast / Exhibition, January 22-July 6, 2018. I curated this exhibit about award-winning local architect, Judith Chafee who lived and worked in Tucson from the early 1970s until her death in 1998, and whose papers are housed in Special Collections. I also produced two companion programs featuring Professor Christropher Domin and Tucson Architect Kathy McGuire among others.

“Judith Chafee: Geographical Powers”/ Program, January 23, 2018. A program I produced that was held in conjunction with the exhibit, “Judith Chafee: Iconoclast”. The featured speaker was Christopher Domin, professor of Architecture at the University of Arizona College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture. A recording of this program is included.

“Judith Chafee: Breaking Barriers in a Man’s World”/ Program, March 13, 2018. A panel discussion I produced that was held in conjunction with the exhibit, “Judith Chafee: Iconoclast”. It featured local architects Kathy McGuire and Corky Poster, both former Chafee employees, and Darci Hazelbaker and Aletheia Ida, faculty members from the UA School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture.

1968 In America / Exhibition, September 4 – December 17, 2018. I curated this exhibit and produced two programs, one featuring Tom Miller on September 6, 2018, and the other featuring panel that included Ted Warmbrand, Guadalupe Castillo, Barbea Williams and Gregory McNamee on October 2, 2018.

1968: From the My Lai Massacre to Yellow Submarine” / Program, September 6, 2018. A program I produced in conjunction with the 1968 in America Exhibit that featured Tom Miller, local author and travel writer.

1968: A Closer Look At Its Impact / Program, October 2, 2018. Program I produced in conjunction with the 1968 in America exhibit. Speakers included Ted Warmbrand, Guadalupe Castillo, Barbea Williams and Gregory McNamee.

The Chicano Connection / 2018 Shows. I hosted 46 weekly 2 hour programs in 2018. Audio files are included, and in some cases so are playlists.


Visions of the Borderlands: Myths and Realities / Exhibition, January 23, 2017-June 30, 2017. I co-curated this exhibition with Veronica Reyes-Escudero. My portions of the exhibit dealt with stereotypes of people and places and included a focus on pulp fiction, movies and movie posters, as well as dude ranches and promotional material used by entities like the Tucson Sunshine Club.

Visions of the Borderlands: Three Women Writers Share Their Stories / Program, February 2, 2017. A program I produced in conjunction with the Visions of the Borderlands exhibit that featured award winning poet Natalie Diaz, author of “When My Brother Was An Aztec” and writers Patricia Preciado Martin, author of several books of oral history, and Denise Chavez author of “Loving Pedro Infante” and other novels.

The Chicano Connection / 2017 Shows. I hosted 46 shows in 2017. Audio files are included.


Una Noche De Corridos / Program, October 6, 2016. I produced this program and presented a lecture titled, “What’s To Know About Corridos Anyway?” Performers included Mr. Bobby Benton and others.

Affirmations and Surprises: Following the Transformational Trail of Tucson’s Youth Mariachi and Folklorico Dance Movement / Program, September 22, 2016. I produced the program featuring local writer and videographer Daniel Buckley. His latest project is a film history of the “mariachi movement” in Tucson. The program also featured a live musical performance by Pueblo High School’s mariachi group, Mariachi Aztlan.

The Life and Legacy of the U.S.S. Arizona / Exhibition, August 29, 2016-December 23, 2016. I co-curated this exhibition, a pictorial documentary history of the USS Arizona I provided all the written narrative and a chronological timeline of the life of the ship.

Diversity and Collection Development: Some Thoughts on the Past, Present, and Future” / Presentation, November 3, 2016. Arizona Library Association Annual Conference. (powerpoint presentation). This presentation was an overview of a literature review I did on diversity and collection development .

“What’s to Know About Corridos Anyway?”/ Presentation, October 6, 2016. This was a lecture that I presented at the Una Noche de Corridos event in Special Collections at the The University of Arizona LIbraries. Included are a number of music videos, all corridos.

The Chicano Connection / 2016 Shows. I hosted 38 weekly 2 hour programs this particular year. 13 shows are linked and available for listening. 25 more will be uploaded in the near future.


ALA Council Memorial Resolution honoring Leslie Feinberg (February 3, 2015). In 2015, when I was a member of the American Library Association Council, I authored a resolution for the Association that was passed in Leslie Feinberg’s memory.

100 Years of Anthropology at the University of Arizona / Exhibition, February 9-July 30, 2015 I learned a great deal about the history of the University by doing this exhibit. The Anthropology program, started by the great archaeologist, E.E. Cummings, put the University on the map in the early part of the 20th century, and it has a fascinating history. Most of the materials shown in this exhibition came from Special Collections. Some were borrowed from the Arizona State Museum.

100 Years (Mas o Menos) of Mexican Music in Tucson / Lecture, November 12, 2015 This is an updated version of a lecture on the history of Mexican music in Tucson that I had originally presented in Dr. Lydia Otero’s MAS 265 class in 2012.

UA Anthropology: A Century of Continuity Amid Change, with Dr. Diane Austin / Program, February 12, 2015. Dr. Diane Austin, Professor and Director of the School of Anthropology and Research Anthropologist with the Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology (BARA) gave the opening presentation for the 100 Years of Anthropology at the University of Arizona exhibition. Her talk highlighted some of the key historical and current challenges addressed by University of Arizona anthropologists.

Celebrating Excellence: Women in Anthropology Panel Discussion / Program, March 31, 2015

Celebrating Excellence: Women In Anthropology / Exhibition, March 9-August 27, 2015 (Main Library)

Celebrating Excellence: A. E Douglass and Tree Ring Research / Exhibition, April 6-October 15, 2015 (Science Engineering Library)

Tucson: Growth, Change, Memories / Exhibition, August 17, 2015-January 21, 2016.

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back? The Mexican Community of Tucson, 1940-2015 / Program, August 18, 2015.

UA Alumni Association 50 Year reunion exhibition I put together three exhibit cases that featured the class of 1965 for the UA Alumni Association’s 50th year reunion. The exhibit was housed on the first floor of the Old Main building where it remained for several years.

The Performing Arts in Tucson / Exhibition, September 14, 2015-February 12, 2016. I curated this exhibition for the Main Library.

Growing Up In Tucson Panel Discussion / Program, September 17, 2015.

An Evening of Corridos / Program, November 3, 2015. I produced this program featuring a lecture by Dr. Celestino Fernandez and performances by Justin Enriquez and Juan Aguilar of the group, Los Cuatro Vientos, and others.

The Rusty Williams Papers, circa 1910-1950, MS 547 This is a finding aid to an archival collection of materials owned by Rusty Williams, who was a performer during the Vaudeville era. Included are original jokes and scripts, photographs and other memorabilia. The collection is available for viewing in Special Collections at the University of Arizona Libraries.

The Chicano Connection / 2015 Shows. I hosted 48 weekly 2 hour shows in 2015. Audio files are included.


ALA Council Memorial Resolution Honoring Leslie Feinberg February 3, 2015. in 2015, when I was a member of the American Library Association Council, I authored a resolution for the Association that was passed in Leslie Feinberg’s memory.

Mars Madness: Sci-Fi, Popular Culture and Ray Bradbury’s Literary Journey to Outer Space / Exhibition, January 21-August 1, 2014

Filming Pulp Poetry: Ray Bradbury and “It Came From Outer Space”, with Bradley Schauer / Program, April 8, 2014.

A Documentary History of Teatro Libertad / Presentation, April 20, 2014 (powerpoint presentation).

The Wilderness Act: Arizonans Keeping It Wild for 50 Years / Exhibition, August 25-September 26, 2014

The Wilderness Act Opening Event, Featuring Meg Weesner / Program, September 2, 2014

Old Main Renovation, 2014. When President Ann Weaver Hart decided to renovate the Old Main building, she called upon various units to contribute materials for exhibits and wall hangings. I contributed materials for a small exhibit case on the 2nd floor of Old Main, and I worked with a colleague from Special Collections to identify photographs for display both in Old Main and in the new UA facilities in Phoenix.

Cultural Protocols in Latino Communities / Presentation, October 14, 2014. (powerpoint presentation). Lecture I presented in Professor Janet Ceja’s IRLS 557 class, “Documenting Diverse Cultures and Communities”.

El Dia De Los Muertos Altar/ Exhibition, November, 2014

The Chicano Connection / 2014 Shows. I hosted 50 weekly 2 hour shows this year. 12 are available for listening. The rest will be uploaded soon.


50 Years: Civil Rights in Arizona / Exhibition, January 15-August 30, 2013. I curated this exhibit and used material from the Tucson Council on Civic Unity collection as well as the Arizona Civil Liberties Union collection, both of which are housed in Special Collections. I also brought in some of my own materials, and was provided additional resources by Dr. Charles Ford, who was on the first program associated with this exhibit.

50 Years: Tucson’s African American Community / Program, January 15, 2013 . Dr Charles Ford and Mr. Cressworth Lander were the guest speakers at this program. We also screened a fil on civil rights in Tucson that was produced at the local cable tv station years ago. While it was bone chilling cold outside and there were parking challenges this particular night, we still drew a decent sized crowd.

50 Years: Tucson’s Native American Community–Indian Law Cases, Arizona and the Supreme Court / Program, February 12, 2013 Professor Rob Williams gave a lecture on American Indians and the Law at this afternoon program.

50 Years: Tucson’s LBGTQ Community / Program, March 7, 2013 Dr. Adela Licona, graduate student Jamie Lee and professor Steven Russell each shared their work in this panel presentation. Dr. Russell provided an overview of the gay rights movement in Tucson, and Dr. Licona and Ms. Lee spoke about their work with the local lgbt community.

“Final Lecture Covering 50 Years of Civil Rights to be Held” /News article, University of Arizona News Service, April 26, 2013. I wrote this article for the UA News Service, and focused on the two invited speakers, Guadalupe Castillo and Margo Cowan.

50 Years: Tucson’s Mexican American Community / Program, April 29, 2013

The Performance of Archives, Challenges and Opportunities / Presentation, June 24, 2013. RBMS Pre-Conference, Minneapolis, MN. AUDIO of program also available. After I switched from being a music and dance librarian to becoming a Special Collections librarian, I was eager to start getting more involved in the Rare Books and Manuscripts section of the Association of College and Research Libraries and other organizations that focused on archives and special collections. In 2013, I submitted my very first proposal to RBMS to present a program on Special Collections’ rich archival collections of performing arts material. I invited my colleague Veronica Reyes-Escudero to co-present with me, and she accepted the invitation.

Teatro Libertad and Chicano Theater in Tucson/ Exhibition, September 3, 2013-February 20, 2014. I curated this exhibition, housed at the UA Main Library, using materials donated by several former members of Teatro Libertad as well as material from my own personal Collection. Included in the exhibition were photos, newspaper reviews, play scripts and promotional material.

Teatro Libertad: Reflection and Discussion / Program, October 1, 2013 Over 20 former members of Teatro Libertad showed up to celebrate and reminisce about their experiences in this radical street theater group, which was active between 1975 and 1985. The room as filled to capacity, and attendees included a “who’s who” of the local Mexican American community. It was a night to remember!

40 Years of Tucson Meet Yourself / Exhibition, September 12, 2013-January 12, 2014.

40 Years of Tucson Meet Yourself: An Evening with Jim Griffith / Program, September 12, 2013

40 Years of Tucson Meet Yourself: Folklife and Culture, with Dr. Maribel Alvarez / Program, November 19, 2013

Una Noche De Corridos / Program, September 26, 2013. A program I produced that included live musical performances by Juan Aguilar, Justin Enriquez, Bobby Benton, Jim Griffith and otheres.

El Dia de Los Muertos in Special Collections / Exhibition and Program, October 29, 2013. A program I produced that included presentations by three graduate library school students, who helped create the altar, and musical performances by Juan Aguilar and Justin Enriquez.

Protest Music in the Latino Community / Publication, 2013. I wrote this for “The Encyclopedia of Latino Culture: From Calaveras to Quinceaneras”, edited by Charles M. Tatum, Greenwood Press, 2013.

The Chicano Connection / 2013 Shows. I hosted 42 weekly 2 hour programs in 2013. Audio files are included.


Company Town: Arizona’s Copper Mining Communities During 100 Years of Statehood / Exhibition, January 6-March 9, 2012.

Life, Family and the Arizona Mining Community: A Gendered Perspective with Dr. Anna O’Leary / Program, March 6, 2012

Arte Publico Press and the Legacy of Latino Publishing In the U.S. / Exhibition, April 2- June 12, 2012

From the Latino Archive to Your PC, with Dr. Nicolas Kanellos / Program, April 4, 2012

Language in the State of Arizona: Legacy of Native Americans and Pioneers / Presentation, April 19, 2012. Co-presented with Dr. Roberto Rodriguez and Dr. Kay Matheisen. Arizona Centennial Conference, Phoenix, Az.

The Life and Legacy of Cipriano Ortega: Ferocious Mexican Outlaw or Entrepenurial Genius? / Presentation, April 21, 2012. Arizona Centennial Conference, Phoenix, Az.

A Look at Medicine and Medical Facilities in Early Tucson/ Exhibition, June 12-December 31, 2012

A Look at Tucson’s Cultural & Architectural Treasures / Exhibition, June 19-September 13, 2012

Tucson’s Architectural Heritage: Past, Present and Future with R. Brooks Jeffery / Program, September 6, 2012

Misunderstood Titles: A Panel Discussion about Censorship in the Old Pueblo / Program, October 3, 2012. I participated as a panelist on this program.

Tucson Meet Yourself Lowrider Display / Exhibition, October 12-14, 2012

150 Years (mas o menos) of Mexican Music in Tucson / Presentation, November 13, 2012. Lydia Otero’s Mexican American Studies 265 class, (powerpoint presentation).


Black Women in Music / Exhibition February, 2011 (Fine Arts Library)

Happy Birthday, Joan Baez / Exhibition, January 2011 (Fine Arts Library)

Latin Music Resources / Web page, March 27, 2011. A page I created when I was the music, dance and theater arts librarian in 2011. The links no longer work, as the page is inactive, but there are still useful resources included.

The Flute: A Resource Guide / Web page, June 10, 2011. I created this web page as a resource for flute students and members of the National Flute Association when I was working out of the Fine Arts Library. The web page is no longer available, and the links in many cases do not work, but much of the information is still relevant and useful.

Mexican American Studies: A Guide to Resources / Research Guide, December , 2011. (Note: the links included in this guide no longer work, as our catalog records were all migrated to a different system a few years ago. One can still use our current catalog, however, to search for the titles included in this guide.)

Promoting Mariachi Music and La Cancion Ranchera: One Librarians Efforts / Presentation, April 2, 2011. “Feria Del Mariachi Annual Conference”, Texas State University, San Marcos. See the accompanying powerpoint presentation here.

Getting the word out about mariachi music and la cancion  ranchera, poster session proposal accepted, and will be presented on April 2, 2011 at the La Feria del Mariachi Conference and Festival, to be held at Texas State University—San Marcos on April 2, 2011.


Martin Luther King Jr. Program / Radio Show, January 18, 2010. This is an annotated playlist of the songs I featured in this program. I participated in this programming for several years in a row.

Cine Plaza at the Fox This was a film series held on March 14, 21, and 28, 2010. It was coordinated by Julie Gallego, whose Chispa Foundation raises funds for local performing arts programming. Three classics of Mexican cinema and a documentary on the Cine Plaza were featured. Music and dance were also included. I was a member of the coordinating committee.

Ethnic Newswatch Training Session / Workshop, March 18, 2010. I conducted this research database workshop as a memebr of the Library’s Research Services Support Connection Development Team. The database covers a variety of ethnic groups and includes full text entries from newspapers and other sources.

Congressional Universe Training session / Workshop, April 29, 2010. I conducted this research database workshop as a member of the Library’s Research Services Support Connection Development Team. The database covers a variety of governmental and congressional resources.

Lucha Villa Films and Recordings: The Sixties / Web page, July 25, 2010. This is a chronological list of all of Ms. Villa’s recordings for the Musart label and all of her films from the 1960s. The links are no longer active, nor is the website, but the information may still be useful to researchers.

Lucha Villa Films and Recordings: The Seventies / Web page, July 25, 2010. This is another chronological list of all of Ms. Villa’s films from the 70s and recordings that she released on the Musart label. The links are no longer active nor is the website, but the information included may still be useful for researchers.

Stories and Music of the Revolution / Exhibition, September 9-December 20, 2010

The Borderlands and the Mexican Revolution with Dr. Oscar Martinez / Program, November 10, 2010

The Role of Women in the Mexican Revolution as Portrayed Through the Corrido / Program, November 18, 2010


Martin Luther King Day radio program, host and music producer, January 19, 2009. KXCI Radio 91.3FM. 2 hour show. 10am to noon.

Cesar Chavez Day Program on KXCI / Radio show, March 31, 2009. This is a web page that includes the playlist for the program I presented for Cesar Chavez Day in 2009. It also includes additional information about my recollections of Cesar Chavez. It’s part of a series of web pages I created over a decade ago that are no longer “active”.

Confessions of a Ranchera Junkie, 2009, The REFORMA Newsletter, Summer 2009.

Dance Subject Guide. Part of my responsibilities as the library liaison to the dance department was to maintain a reference resources page that was available through our Library catalog. I served as the dance librarian from 2001 through 2011, and kept this guide updated on a regular basis.

The History of Mariachi y La Cancion Ranchera / Presentation, October 27, 2009. I gave this 90 minute invited, guest lecture/multimedia presentation in Professor Lydia Otero’s Introduction to Mexican American Studies class (100+ students). The University of Arizona.

Mariachi and Ranchera Music Resources / Web page, November 2009. An online research guide (no longer available)  that provides links to a variety of resources  and information about mariachi music, including mariachi education, mariachi groups, information about conferences and festivals, biographical information on ranchera singers, and more. Most of the pages included no longer exist or have changed names and website addresses.

Music Subject Guide. I was the library liaison to the Music department for approximately 10 years. One of my responsibilities was to provide reference service to the student and faculty of the Music Dept, as well as to the general public. I created this subject guide to help researchers find music-related information quickly and easily. The guide was updated on a regular basis and was available on the Library’s website.


Cesar Chavez Day Program radio show host and producer of music portion of program.  KXCI Radio, 91.3FM Tucson.

Musings of a Gay Veterano REFORMISTA Librarian: The Search for GLBT Liberation in Library Land, 2008, The REFORMA National Newsletter, Spring/Summer, 2008.


Cesar Chavez Day Program, producer and host,  KXCI Radio, March 2007.

History of Mariachi Music, a multi-media presentation, part of Drink Cultura Series Chicano Hispano Student Affairs, Hispanic  Heritage Month, Sept. 14, 2007. In this presentation, I provided a chronological look at the history of mariachi music, focusing on key events and people, from the mid-1800s to the present.

Theater Arts Subject Guide. I was also the liaison to the Theater Arts Dept. from 2004 though 2011. I created this research guide for students and faculty, as well as other users. It was available on our library website.


Cine Mariachi Film Festival at the Fox Program. July 30, 2006 Fox Theatre, Tucson. I was a board member of the Tucson International Mariachi Conference. I produced this program as a fundraiser for the upcoming 25th anniversary of the conference. Included in the program were three feature films, live mariachi music and baile folklorico. The event raised several thousand dollars for the conference.

Overview of mariachi music, presentation/lecture presented at Viva Arizona Workshop, Summer, 2006.

Resources for the Study of Early/Modern Music. / 2006. This is a research guide I prepared for a class in the Group for Early/Modern Studies program at the University of Arizona in 2006.


Basic Music Reference Sources / 2005. This is the outline to a training session I created for staff at the University of Arizona Fine Arts Library. It was designed to give a basic orientation to the topic.

Country Music Reference Resources / 2005. This is comprehensive resource guide to country music that I put together in 2005 when I worked at the Fine Arts Library. It has not been updated since then. It includes some websites (likely outdated by now), but consists mostly of books, the majority of which are available at the University of Arizona’s Fine Arts Library.

“The Intersection of Race and Queer Sexuality,” book chapter in Multiracial America: A Resource Guide on the History and Literature of Interracial Issues, edited by Karen Downing, Darlene Nichols and Kelly Webster. Scarecrow Press, 2005.

Musica Latina: An Overview, presentation given at the Utah Library Association Conference, May 12, 2005.


“Student Brings Strong Customer Service Orientation to National Flute Association Library” / Publication, March 2004. I wrote this article about my student assistant, Emily Chow, for the Flutist Quarterly Magazine, when I managed the National Flute Association Library.

“Mariachi Method for Guitar: Beginning Level,” book review in REFORMA National Newsletter, Spring 2004. p. 8.

“Resume Writing Workshop” / Presentation, April 19, 2004. I conducted this workshop for the students at the University of Arizona School of Information Resources and Library Science.

“Musica Latina: Collection Development Strategies” / Poster Session Presentation, June 26, 2004. I presented this poster session at the ALA Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida during the 7th Annual Diversity Fair.

“Climate Assessment in Academic Libraries” / Program Panelist, June 27 2004. I was one of three panelists on the LAMA LOMS Organization Development Discussion group sponsored program at ALA Annual in Orlando. The program was facilitated by Kathryn Deiss, a training consultant with the Association of Research Libraries.

“Borderman: Memoirs of Federico Jose Maria Ronstadt,” book review  in REFORMA National Newsletter, Winter, 2004, p. 12.


“El Corrido De Arnulfo Trejo” written and performed (vocal and guitar) at ALA Midwinter  Memorial Tribute to Dr. Arnulfo Trejo, founder of REFORMA. January 26, 2003, Philadelphia, PA, 2003. 

“Latin Music: A Multi-media Introduction,” presented during the UA Center for Creative Photography’s Americanos program series held in conjunction with the Americanos Photography Exhibit at the CCP,  February 15, 2003. Invited presentation.

Resume writing workshop for graduate students in the School of Information Resources and Library Science. April 2, 2003.

Bob Diaz’s Dream: Taking Note of Mexican Music . An article about me and my work that appeared in the May 23, 2003, issue of The Arizona Daily Star.

Library Faculty Millennium Project Oversight Committee Final Report” / Publication, September 9, 2003. (available in Special Collections, University of Arizona Libraries, Call #: Z733.A7 M5 2003. I worked with Patricia Promis, Doug Jones, and Bonnie Travers on this report, which we presented to Provost Dr. George Davis. It includes the results of an extensive climate survey distributed to the faculty of the Library in 2002-2003 and recommendations for improving the climate.

Guest producer and commentator on Onda Suave radio program, KXCI,  Tucson, hosted by Ernesto Portillo, Jr.. Produced 2 shows: Four great composers/Corridos/Bob’s all time favorite rancheras. Fall/Winter, 2003.

Latin American”, in  Magazines for Libraries  12th edition. New Providence, New Jersey: R.R. Bowker, 2003. Coordinator and primary contributor to a revised chapter with co-authors Olivia Olivares and Veronica Reyes.

Latino Studies”, Magazines for Libraries, 12th edition. New Providence, New Jersey. R.R. Bowker, 2003. Coordinator and primary contributor to a revised chapter with co-authors Olivia Olivares and Veronica Reyes.

Media Arts Subject Guide. When I moved to the Fine Arts and Humanities team in 2000, one of the subject areas I was assigned was Media Arts. I really enjoyed conducting instruction sessions for Professors Selznick and Haralovich, and I delved deeply into studying the history of Hollywood and many actors and actresses of the thirties and forties. I just love classic Hollywood cinema. In 2003, this area was assigned to another colleague.


Bob Diaz | Movers & Shakers 2002. Library Journal, March 2002. I was recognized for being a librarian/activist in this article that appeared in a supplement to Library Journal in 2002. The supplement was titled “Movers and Shakers”.

“El Corrido de La Huelga”, performed with Ted Warmbrand and Frank Hernandez at  the Cesar Chavez birthday Community Celebration, Southside Presbyterian Church, Tucson. April 5, 2002. I sang lead on this classic song from the 60s farmworker era while Ted played the guitar and Frank played the accordion. We received a rousing standing ovation for this performance. It was a magical moment, one I will never forget.

 “Libraries as Information Environments” invited seminar presentation  given to graduate students in Dr. Brooke Sheldon’s Knowledge River class in the School of Information Resources and Library Science, September 25, 2002.

“Latin America”, in  Magazines for Libraries 11th edition. New Providence, New Jersey: R.R. Bowker, 2002. Coordinator and primary contributor to a completely revised chapter with new co-authors Olivia Olivares and Veronica Reyes.  

“Latinos” in  Magazines for Libraries 11th edition. New Providence, New Jersey: R.R. Bowker, 2002. Coordinator and primary contributor to a completely new chapter with new co-authors Olivia Olivares and Veronica Reyes.  


Review of “Pancho Villa’s Revolution By Headlines” by Mark C. Anderson, University of Oklahoma Press, 2000 / Book review, Spring 2001. I wrote this for the REFORMA National Newsletter.


“Building a Foundation for Diversity at The University of Arizona Library: A 10 Year Progress Report”, poster presented at the Diversity Now! Conference, April 3-4, 2000 in Austin Texas.

“Musica Latina”, presented at the Chandler Public Library, February 22, 2000.

Rudolfo Anaya: La Gran Voz Del Llano Exhibition. September-October, 2000. UA Main Library.

Stop Talking ‘n Start Doing: Recruitment and Retention of People of Color in the Library Profession, facilitator. July 10, 2000. ALA Annual Conference, Chicago, Il.

Introductory remarks and introduction of Pat Preciado Martin Keynote Luncheon speaker at REFORMA National Conference. Friday, August 4, 2000.

Musica Latina: co-presented with Ben Ocon at the 2nd National REFORMA Conference, Tucson Az, August 4, 2000.

“Latin America”, in Magazines For Libraries, 10th edition. New Providence, New Jersey, R.R. Bowker, 2000.    Coordinator of and contributor to revised chapter, with contributions from Patricia Promis, Thomas Marshall, and Theresa Salazar.  


“Helping Teams Work: Lessons Learned from the University of Arizona Library Reorganization”, article co-authored with Chestalene Pintozzi, Library Adminstration and Management, Vol. 13, No. 1, Winter 1999.

“Musica Latina”, presentation given at the Tucson Pima Public Library, October 10, 1999.

The Role of Academic Libraries in the Coming Decade, presentation given at the University of Colorado, Auraria Campus Library, Denver CO., April 4, 1999.


Organizational Overview for New Staff and New Employee Handbook I compiled this information and used it to provide training to new staff in the Library. New staff orientation sessions were held on a regular basis, at least twice a year in 1998 and 1999.

A Philippine Festival and Potluck Party Program and Exhibition. June 12, 1998. UA Main Library.

“Institutionalizing Diversity at the University of Arizona Library”, poster session presented at the  first annual Diversity Fair at the 1998 American Library Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., June 27, 1998.

“Retention of Staff of Color at the University of Arizona Library” / Poster session co-presented with Mimi Hernandez and Soo Young So at the 1998 American Library Association Conference, Washington, D.C. 1998. 

Musica Latina: Collection Development Strategies, co-presented with Ben Ocon at the Arizona Library Association Conference, November 5, 1998.

Diversity and Social Responsibility / Presentation, October 28, 1998. Guest lecture in Carla Stoffle’s SIRLS Foundations class.

SPEC Kit 230: Affirmative Action in ARL Libraries, Washington DC, The Association of Research Libraries, 1998. Co-authored with Jennalyn Tellman and DeEtta Jones.


“Social Equity and Empowerment in the Age of Technology,” presentation given at the Association of College and Research Libraries conference, April 12, 1997. Nashville, TN.

“Musica Latina”, presentation on collection development strategies for Latin music, co-presented with Benjamin Ocon at the 1997 Utah Library Association Conference, Provo, UT, April 14, 1997.

“Instruction in a Multicultural/Multiracial Environment,” workshop presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries Instruction Section Preconference, Learning To Teach: Workshops on Instruction, June 27, 1997, Berkeley, CA.

“Musica Latina” / Presentation, September 27, 1997. An overview of Latin music, given at Tucson Pima Public Library Sam Lena Branch.

Diversity and Social Responsibility in Librarianship / Presentation, October 29, 1997. Guest lecture given in Carla Stoffle’s Library Science class.

“Latin America and Latinos”, in Magazines For  Libraries, 9th edition. New Providence, New Jersey, R.R. Bowker, Coordinator of and contributor to completely revised chapter, with additional contributions from Patricia Promis, Thomas Marshall,  and Theresa Salazar. Scheduled publication date, November, 1997. Copyright date, 1998.


Diversity in the Workplace, presentation given at the Tucson Business and Professional Women’s Association meeting, March 7, 1996.

“The Evolution of the Roles of Staff and Team Development in a Changing Organization: The University of Arizona Library Experience,” co-presented with Shelley Phipps on March 30, 1996 at Harvard University, and published in the book, Finding Common Ground: Creating the Library of the Future Without Diminishing the Library of the Past, edited by Cheryl LaGuardia and Barbara a Mitchell, Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1998.

“What a long strange trip it’s been: an overview of the evolution of the role and accomplishments of staff development and training at the UA Library, from the beginning of the restructuring process to the present”, presentation given at the Living the Future Conference May 1-4, 1996.

“Diversity at the UA Library: A Review”, presentation at the Living the Future Conference, May 1-4, 1996.

“How to Start and Maintain an Successful REFORMA Chapter”, program panelist at the First Annual REFORMA Conference, August 24, 1996, Austin, TX.

“Writing Effective Cover Letters and Resumes”, program panelist, at the first annual REFORMA Conference, August 23, 1996, Austin TX.

“Social Equity and Empowerment in the Age of Technology,” program coordinator and co-presenter with Carla Stoffle and Patricia Tarin, LAMA/LITA Conference, October 13, 1996, Pittsburgh, PA.


“Recruitment in a Team-Based Organization: The University of Arizona Library Experience,” presentation given at ACRL Personnel Administrators and Staff Development Officers Preconference program at the American Library Association Midwinter Conference, Philadelphia, PA, February 1995.

“Gays and Lesbians in the Workplace: Making the Case for Equal Rights,” pre-conference presentation given at the American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 1995.

“Resume Writing and Job Interviewing Skills”, workshop presented at the University of Arizona School of Library Science, Fall, 1995.

“Latin America” in Magazines for Libraries, 8th edition. New Providence, New Jersey, 1995. Lead author and chapter coordinator, with contributions from Patricia Promis, Tom Marshall, Theresa Salazar and Susan Husband.


The Significance of El Cinco de Mayo Diversity Roundtable and Potluck Fiesta. May 6, 1994. In celebration of El Cinco de Mayo, Lupe Castillo, a well-known local Chicana activist and history instructor at Pima Community College, was invited to the Library to speak about the cultural and social significance of El Cinco de Mayo to Tucson’s Mexican American community. The event included a musical performance by Mariachi Arizona and a potluck. I coordinated this program on behalf of the Library Diversity Council.

Annual Report of the Library Diversity Council In July, 1994, members of the LIbrary Diversity Council and I wrote an annual report for FY 1993/94 that outlined all of the activities it sponsored and issues that it confronted. The Dean of the Library was quite impressed and pleased, and commended the group for its work.

Leslie Feinberg: Unity in The GLBT Community Program and Booksigning. September 30-Ocobter 1, 1994. Modern Languages Auditorium. University of Arizona, and Wingspan Community Center, Tucson.

Collection Development in Multicultural Studies, book chapter in Cultural Diversity in Libraries, edited by Don Riggs and Patricia Tarin, Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1994.


“Diversity programming at the University of Arizona Library”, panel presentation at the Arizona State Library Association Midwinter Conference, Tucson Az. April 1993.

Status of Hispanic Library and Information Services : A National Institute for Educational Change, July 29-31, 1993. I was a member of the planning committee for this institute and was responsible for coordinating the opening reception. Members of the Library staff and students from the Library School assisted with the logistics and with hosting the event. A fun time was had by all.

“The Status of Library Services to the Latino Community in Arizona”, coordinator, program moderator and participant on panel discussion at Arizona State Library Association Annual Conference, Phoenix, Az. December, 1993.

“Instruction in a Multicultural/Multiracial Environment”, co-authored with Karen Downing, in the book, Learning to Teach: Workshops on Instruction. American Library Association, 1993.


An Open Letter to the University of Michigan Latino/a Community” / publication, March 5, 1992, in Alma Latina: The University of Michigan Latina/Latino Community Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 1.

“Staff Development and Diversity at the University of Michigan”, / presentation, March 19, 1992. A talk I gave while interviewing for the position of Assistant to the Dean for Staff Development at the University of Arizona Library.


“Happy Birthday, Dr. King”. Exhibit. University of Michigan Undergraduate Library, January, 1991.

“Diversity: A Library’s Campus Role”, at the Freshman Year Experience Conference, Long Beach CA. Poster session, co-presented with Karen Downing.Jan 31, 1991.

Book review of “Latino Librarianship: A Handbook for Professionals”, edited by Salvador Guerena. Jefferson NC: McFarland, 1990, in “The Journal of Academic Librarianship,” March, 1991.

Diversity in Libraries / Presentation, 1991. I applied for a job as the University of Michigan’s diversity librarian, and gave a presentation about my thoughts on diversity at the time. The presentation and the question and answer session that followed were very well received, but in the end, the job went to someone else.


“Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Happy Birthday, Dr. King”. Exhibit. University of Michigan Undergraduate Library, January, 1990.

Book Review of “Musical Terms, Symbols and Theory: An Illustrated Dictionary” / “Preview Magazine” (Mountainside Publishing, Ann Arbor MI) February, 1990.

“Exploring Diversity: A Library’s Leadership Role”. Poster session: Co-presented with Karen Downing. American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, June 26, 1990.


“Starting Out Right: Teaching Information Literacy Skills to New College Students”, poster session co-presented with Darlene Nichols, LOEX, May, 1989. Subsequently published in COPING WITH INFORMATION LITERACY: BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION FOR THE INFORMATION AGE, edited by Glenn and Teresa Mensching, Pierian Press, Ann Arbor, MI, 1989.

Book Review of “Contemporary Musicians: Profiles of the People in Music” / Reviewed in “Preview Magazine”, (Mountainside Publishing, Ann Arbor, MI) November 1989.

“UGL Collections and Services: Dedicated to Diversity”, exhibit. University of Michigan Undergraduate Library, December, 1989. The attached document notes that the poster session was done in 1988. That’s incorrect. I completed it in Winter, 1989. It was my first of four displays that I put together while at the University of Michigan.


Si Se Puede / Song, 1987.I wrote this for the children of the city of Nogales Az when I was a children’s librarian. I performed it in Nogales and it was later recorded by a group of children from Tucson.

Arizona State Library Grant Award / LSTA Grant, Spring, 1987. I attended a workshop sponsored by the Arizona State Library on grant writing in Yuma, Az. in early 1987 while employed at the Nogales/Santa Cruz County Public Library, and subsequently submitted a grant application to the State Library to produce a series of public cultural programs for the city of Nogales. The grant was awarded, but I left my job at the library before I was able to present the program series, but my successor followed through and produced at least three different programs with the funds that were received.



Margaret Randall: An Annotated Bibliography”, (end of term project written in Library School for Dr. Don Dickinson’s “Bibliography” class, Library Science 526, The University of Arizona, May 5, 1986 .) This was the most time-intensive project that I undertook while in graduate school. I consider it an equivalent to a master’s thesis. I was very proud of this work, and it was a real thrill to correspond with the subject of the bibliography, Ms. Margaret Randall. Dr. Dickinson and Ms. Randall both encouraged me to have this work published, but I didn’t go for it, regretfully. I was in touch with Ms. Randall a few months back, and she still remembers me! Wow.

Hispanics In Librarianship” (paper written for Dr. Don Dickinson’s , “Academic Librarianship” class, Library Science 540, The University of Arizona, December 8, 1986)

The Chicano Connection / 1986 Shows. Included are playlists for 14 programs, including a gay pride show / Father’s Day Special I co-hosted with Jamie Anderson, local women’s singer. The audio for this program is available. All the other shows link only to the playlists.


01/24/85: Essay in collection development class on growing up with reading and books.

02/12/85: Assignment one in Collection Development class3/4/85: Exam in Collection Development class/Stalschmidt

03/13/85: Assignment 2 in Collection Development class

03/14/85: Exam in Foundations class

04/01/85: Collection Development class, assignment 3

04/16/85: Foundations class assignment 2

04/29/85: LS 503 Collection Development selection project

05/08/85: Foundations class assignment 3

09/26/85: Planning paper in Management class

10/15/85: Library Management budget exercise

11/14/85: Management class performance project

KXCI Radio Shows / 1985 Shows. These are playlists for shows I hosted in 1985.


“Political Process and the American Indian Movement: A Research Proposal.” Sociology 510: Political Sociology with Professor Doug McAdam. May 8, 1984.

KXCI Radio Shows / 1984 Shows. These are playlists for programs I hosted on KXCI in 1984.


Sociology 500 Midterm Exam March 8, 1983, Dr. Fligstein

Cuba”, (paper written for Professor Seligson’s “Latin American Political Development” class , Political Science 447, The University of Arizona, April 28, 1983).

Radio Shows on KXCI / 1983 Shows. These are playlists for the first radio shows I ever hosted.


Take Home Exam I. Sociology 315: Political Sociology. Dr. Diane Bush. February 24, 1982.

“The U.S. and the Somoza Dynasty, 1937-1979.” History 467: Contemporary Latin America. Dr. Donna Guy. March 30, 1982.

April 1, 1982: Mexican American Politics exam

“American Ideology and Science,” Sociology 315: Political Sociology. Dr. Diane Bush. April 20, 1982.

“Two Radical Perspectives on Chicano Political Participation”, Mexican American Studies 332: Politics of the Mexican American Community. Dr. John Garcia. April 30, 1982.


“The Chicano In America Today: A Sociological Analysis”, April 8, 1981. Written for J.T. Borhek’s Sociology class, “Sources of Social Theory”, Spring 1981.

“The Gay Liberation Movement Part I (Take Home Exam #1). Sociology 313: Collective Behavior and Social Movement. Dr. Diane Bush. September 15, 1981.

“The Gay Liberation Movement Part II (Take Home Exam #2). Sociology 313: Collective Behavior and Social Movements. Dr. Diane Bush. October 29, 1981.

“The Gay Liberation Movement Part III (Take Home Exam #3). Sociology 313: Collective Behavior and Social Movements. Dr. Diane Bush. November 30, 1981.

“The Gay Liberation Movement Part IV (Final Exam). Sociology 313: Collective Behavior and Social Movements. Dr. Diane Bush. December 14, 1981.